Ok I tried exspermenting between Patm wrap method & Adams method this is only my opinion from trying both methods Patm method requires less skill & less prep time and is far easer to apply, Adams method requires a little more prep time & skill , I saved my longest pieces of sinew for last using Adams method the bow below has 1150 grains of sinew over 49 in. working limb & the back has not been sanded on the last layer but by using Adams method of meshing all layers prior to gelling they turned out very smooth and even for a strong bond I keeped the bow at 55 Deg 47% humidity in my shop for 31/2 days so the carbon molecules could bond in the matrix making a stronger matrix some thing the ancient composite bowyers where well aware of , I think both methods work fine but really don't like the idea of using heat after gelling it makes for a less strong bond , for a average bow the wrap method would work fine but for a highly reflexed design Adams is superior I think using his method you have more control of the glue to sinew ratio in the end of 25% with the heat wrap method you really don't know where your glue to sinew ratio ends up , I'm not stating to cause any controversy just my own personal exsperience , there is enough unknowns in this game I just prefer methods that minimize them. Also used rabbit skin glue to increase gel time.