Author Topic: Questions: First All Wood Bow  (Read 1313 times)

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Offline Spikebuck

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Questions: First All Wood Bow
« on: March 03, 2017, 10:57:43 pm »
While I have been shooting traditional bows for almost 50 years, I just purchased my first all wood bow.  It is a new-to-me John Strunk bow in pristine condition. A work of art, by my eyes.   It is osage backed with bamboo.  64" long.  54# at my 29" draw.  Here's a few pics before the questions:

My first question is that there appears to be a date code on the limb.  Does anyone know how to interpret it?  9.07.2 BS

Next, I have never shot more than just a handful of arrows out of all wood bows.  Clearly this bow has no cut-out to move the arrow closer to center like all the other longbows and recurves I have and do own.  I have shot 3 different spines through it (60, 65, 70)  NO FEATHERS, all 31 1/2 inch long arrows with 125 gr points.  They all fly tail right, which would normally indicate heavy spine, all the way to the target.  I only have feathers on some of the 70# arrows (putting some on the others tonight) and they don't fly too bad, but still very slightly tail right, but hitting where I'm aiming and grouping well.  The unfletched hit left, but still fact I split one by "robin hooding" it. 55#, I would think that a 31 1/2" long 60# spined arrow (at 28") would be light on spine.  Am I thinking too "modern" that a bow like this will ever shoot an unfletched shaft of a proper spine well?  What method is used to "tune" arrows for best performance and flight?

Finally, what kind of brace height should I be aiming for on a bow like this?  The bow came with a 61 1/2 inch SIX strand string, which frankly, I did not feel comfortable shooting with at 55#.  But it braced up at what for me is fistmele....6 1/2" for my hand.  I had another string here which is a little heavy for it...16 strand...that is 61", and with that it's braced up at 7 1/2".

Thanks for any information you can provide.  This is all new to me, but I'm looking forward to learning a new aspect of the sport.  It's long been on my "bucket" list to learn to shoot all wood bows and take game with them.  At my age, I figured I'd better get started!!!  :)


Offline Morgan

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Re: Questions: First All Wood Bow
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2017, 11:40:24 pm »
That is definitely a work of art! Can't comment on the arrows, but I shoot between 6 and 6 1/2" brace. 7 1/3 would be too much for my liking. Welcome. Lots of knowledgeable and friendly folks here. Someone will be along that can answer all your questions I'm sure.


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Re: Questions: First All Wood Bow
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2017, 02:37:25 am »
Arrows of 55# spine should be about right. Yours are all too stiff. Brace height between 5 1/2 and 6 1/2 inches. The six strand string will be strong enough. Most strings are massively overbuilt however 6 is on the low side. I would use about 10 strands on that bow.
The riser looks like cocobolo from here and I can't see the osage belly. A side on picture of the handle would be good.
you can 'tune' arrows in exactly the same way as your glass bows. No shelf simply means you need softer spine arrows compared to a cut out riser at the same draw weight.

Offline Spikebuck

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Re: Questions: First All Wood Bow
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2017, 09:31:36 am »
I have gotten a longer string to get my brace height back down to a fistmele...6 1/2" for me.  I have some adjustment yet in the string, as need.

Also picked up some test shafts of lower spine from Terry and the Footed Shaft.  Still working on that.  I do know that under 50# is too light, so at least I have a lower-spine limit now.  55# to 60# appears to be the most favorable especially with heavy points approaching 200 grs.

Offline PatM

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Re: Questions: First All Wood Bow
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2017, 10:20:49 am »

The riser looks like cocobolo from here and I can't see the osage belly. A side on picture of the handle would be good.
