Author Topic: Fred Arnold 2017 Bow Trade, Pictures Please, housekeeping issues  (Read 164167 times)

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Offline bushboy

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Mark me as shipped pls,prob take a week to get there.
Some like motorboats,I like kayaks,some like guns,I like bows,but not the wheelie type.

Offline Dakota Kid

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According to FedEx my package should reach it's destination by the end of today. Someone should be getting a 72" long tube any time now. Be on the lookout if you've yet to receive.
I have nothing but scorn for all weird ideas other than my own.
~Terrance McKenna

Offline Swamp Thang

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Wife's gonna ship for me tomorrow. Been kinda crazy found mold from the tropical storm been getting walls and floor and now I have a hernia. :-\  so the arrows I planned to make didn't get done.

Offline stuckinthemud

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I had one of them (hernia), ignored it for a couple of years until it couldn't be ignored any longer; surgeon said it was touch and go on whether it was fixable, don't do what I did!

Congrats on finishing the bow.  :D  I hope there are no more nasty surprises following that storm.

Offline stuckinthemud

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Six bows in transit, gonna be an exciting week!!

Offline Swamp Thang

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 Soooo wife's running to the post office I threw in several 6ft river cane shafts a leg of sinew a few turkey feathers dyed black and a lump of unrefined pine sap.

Offline gfugal

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Just an update sinew is drying wonderfully. It's hard and smooth. I've been measuring the tension in reverse brace with a tuner. 7 days after sinewing it tuned to a B 20 cents sharp. It dropped down to an Ab 20ish cents flat several days later. I moved it up a notch to put more tension in it again since it was pretty limp and the tuner was having a hard time picking it up. After tightening it, it went up to a C 40 cents sharp. Now it's at a B 10 cents sharp. So basically there is less tension in the reverse brace now than there was a notch lower when I Initially measured it one week into drying. I think I finished sinewing around the 10th but I'm not sure. I should be coming up on a month of drying soon. The tension has been decreasing less and less. Once I feel it starts to plateau I think I'll put it in a small room with a space heater (make shift low temp hot box) and leave it there with the heater on and off for a couple of days to really dry it out, then I'll finish tillering.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2017, 06:48:14 pm by gfugal »
No risk, no gain. Expand the mold and try new things.

Offline Swamp Thang

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∆ WOW that just opened my mind up to New ideas about applying sinew.

Offline gfugal

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Thanks swamp thing! I hope it's a good way of going about things. Bytheway your bow is looking sweet. I like the handle and how you inscripted it!
No risk, no gain. Expand the mold and try new things.

Offline Swamp Thang

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Thanks it's my first successful bow I've really made put everything into I had hope it's enjoyed

Offline Gaur

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Mark me as shipped
"...He made me a polished arrow and hid me in His quiver." Is 49:2

Offline bushboy

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Just did some tracking,cleared customs,look for the made in Canada pipe!sorry it's a backed bow,but I like the way it shoots!#1 for me!
Some like motorboats,I like kayaks,some like guns,I like bows,but not the wheelie type.

Offline Mo_coon-catcher

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After a couple of near misses in the woods at the same doe. In one case VERY near, as in less than 5 yards near. I came home to a new toy to play with. Thanks Swamp Thang! A nice cypress bow I'll have to play with while boiling some traps in te morning. And thanks for the extras! It should be a good starter kit to get me playing with some atlatles. I should be able to make some good darts from the shafts. Sorry about the lack of pictures, I'll get them tomorrow while I play.
As soon as I got the initial unpackaging and fondling out today the way. I started getting out of my hunting clothes, and my knife decided to make a break for it and bounced tip first off of my middle toe. I think I can say I had it pretty sharp as it cleanly sliced the nail after the tip hit the bone about 1/4" behind the nail. I'm glad it didn't split my toe out the tip. It stopped cutting right at the end of the nail. So it definitely could've been worse, though I think the bone has a new indention now.

I'll get some more pics tomorrow, for now you'll have to settle for a bloody toe

Offline hunterbob

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Evidently the bow must be ready to make blood it through that knife at your toe.

Offline Swamp Thang

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Goodness! Hope you enjoy starting another two right now a Days bow and haven't decided on the other