Id take Traxx's advise and contact a Hill collector
All ive read,,,,please take it for what its worth,there is alot wrote on Mr Hill,,his personal bows from that time frame were mostly all bamboo to the point he built his own machine to flaten the Japanese boken he prefered and nicknamed every bow he built from something that had happened in the process of making said bow
Like,,,"Lighting",cause the bow was fast on test shots he took out back of his shop into a sand pile
If i had to guess those marks look to me as if at one point someone had a tape on sight on the bow as was common in the 40/50s
To close for a quiver and bow quivers were not common till the very late 50s early 60s(thank you papa Bear)

Id say and its only a guess it was a Howard Hill made bow,but for a customer not for himself
That said he made bows for alot of famous folks ya never know who it could of been made for
If this bow interests you id hit the ole interweb and try contacting a collector
A Hill made bow from his hollywood shop in that time frame is a peice of history nomatter the owner/shooter and would make a great show peice in any collection,its just a matter of price