thanks Guys for all the positive input, as I said earlier, it was an honor to make a bow for such a gifted archer,,
I hope it will open some eyes for people to see how accurate a primitive style bow can be,, and really fun to see him shoot,,
I have been making bows a long time and alot of archers assume that a modern bow is more accurate,, in my experience the well made wood bow is as accurate as any bow,, and just as fun for sure,, I learned alot making this bow, just when I thought I was getting a handle on it

, I forgot to mention,, I made the bow without any heating or bending,, and was just lucky the prop twist lined up on the handle( at first brace the handel was way off but as the bow settled in it came into line a bit more on its own), the natural reflex held up nice,, and I account that to the stave being cured in the high desert for 10 years plus,, nothing like a fine cured osage stave to work with,,I can't thank Mike Scifres enough for sending me such a great stave to work with,,and thanks again for taking the time to look and comment,,

Pappy, I dont think he has shot it,, he just got it yesterday and said his stringer wasnt long enough,,it would be fine if he stepped through to string it, that is how I was stringing it,, but if he is more comforatable with the stringer I will just have to be patient to see him shoot it,, but I am having a hard time being patient,,

I am very excited to see the bow in action,