Author Topic: Bouncing an idea off your collective heads...  (Read 4984 times)

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Re: Bouncing an idea off your collective heads...
« Reply #30 on: August 26, 2016, 08:02:55 pm »
I've had black cherry chrysal on the belly on a 4" resting reflex sinewed bow.64" long to boot.It took thousands of shots for them to appear but they did.Overall though I feel black cherry in a less stressful design tillered properly is safe and would make another myself sometime.
To me from my experience black cherry and cedar both are brittle cousins,but if made properly with just a little reflex and enough length they are impressive to me and very sweet to shoot.I've had my episodes with red cedar
Onebowonder.....I will stick my neck out and seriously tell you my thoughts all cedar blowing hard hat jokes aside.I feel if you decrown[which  needs to be done] & back that cedar stick the denser or thicker the material[bamboo] used for a backing the flatter the belly I would make.The thinner and less dense the backing[maple] the more shallow D shape you can make the belly.Balancing the back to belly with the forces.Really though I'd make the belly flat with either less decisions making a bow the better I say.2" wide and 68" long with just a few or couple inches of reflex that's all.Even D tillered bendy handle too but I'd eliptical tiller it myself.Even that long of a bow with the light mass cedar has no hand  shock should be evident at all.It should live a long time too.
Now the other backing...mother natures FG...sinew!!!I'd decrown your stave/taper your limbs/reverse brace it slightly[just a couple of inches] and sinew it with a 1/16th inch thick dried layer of tapered sinew crowning it some.It's worth a try that's for sure.I did'nt read how long your cedar stick was though.
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Offline mullet

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Re: Bouncing an idea off your collective heads...
« Reply #31 on: August 26, 2016, 08:58:16 pm »
My grandsons Father has an Eastern Red Cedar bow that is acked with Bamboo Brian Melton made, I think back around 2006. 55# at 28" and he is still shooting it. It is nothing but a simple rijid handle, flat belly bow.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline Onebowonder

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Re: Bouncing an idea off your collective heads...
« Reply #32 on: August 27, 2016, 12:41:57 pm »
Thanx for all the great suggestions!  After reading them, I'm more inclined to just decrown and flatten the sapwood side and put the boo on that side...
