Author Topic: Am I just making Gravel?  (Read 14297 times)

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Offline nclonghunter

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Re: Am I just making Gravel?
« Reply #15 on: August 16, 2016, 10:00:23 pm »
What rock you have shown looks like it can be worked. The basic requirement is that it breaks in a conical fracture and I am certain what you have shown will. It is also likely raw rock which means it has not been heat treated which improves the rock for knapping. Just because it is not heat treated does not mean it can not be worked, it just makes it easier. I work Texas Georgetown that is raw and like it. Texas has a lot of good rock to knap. There are rules and techniques to rock reduction or knapping that will enable you to make cleaner and precision flakes. Obviously all flakes are removed from the perimeter edge. The angles and strength of those edges will make a difference. Too thin and weak will cause the edge to crush and you get very little from it. grind that edge and strengthen it and you will get better flakes. You would think breaking a rock is simple but to do it well is complicated but doable. Here is a link to some great information;

If you can get with an experienced knapper it will greatly enhance the learning curve...Good luck!
There are no bad knappers, only bad flakes

Offline tward1604

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Re: Am I just making Gravel?
« Reply #16 on: August 21, 2016, 12:47:53 pm »
Don't worry I haven't given up! I'm still making lots of gravel. I need to bring home some
More rocks. I've broke up everything I have. I am making better flakes however! Who would've thought that reading that article would help so much!