Author Topic: My board bow (build along?)  (Read 89265 times)

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Offline H Rhodes

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Re: My board bow (build along?)
« Reply #180 on: January 22, 2017, 05:22:26 am »
Bub, you're truly one of the GOOD GUYS!

X 2! :)
Gautier, Mississippi

Offline Springbuck

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Re: My board bow (build along?)
« Reply #181 on: January 22, 2017, 09:26:44 am »
 Indeed he is.

Marin, it does look more like simply bending MORE than a hinge.  A hinge is kind of more relative to the limb around it than the opposite limb.  It's a kink or bowed out area that is bending too much.  BUT, you are right about finding them and arresting them early.

In the TBB's it describes a method that I preach a lot for controlled, systematic wood removal that allows for gradual adjustments and few mistakes. It is basically that you mark up the limb wherever you want to remove wood, (kind of like the gizmo does) then remove the marks and check the results. In TBB it's mentioned primarily for weight reduction, but it works for tiller, too, especially early on.

So, do you have a rasp?  One way is to use the rasp to lightly and evenly scuff up the belly of the stiffer limb (or stiffer spots). Not removing much or hogging off material, just good diagonal strokes until the rasp bites enough to leave marks.  Then use your scraper to scrape all the rasped areas smooth again.  Then check tiller, or weight or whatever.

So in your case, the right limb IS stiffer right now, but it's hard to see any trouble spots yet. One pass with the rasp and one with the scraper might bring them closer to the same AMOUNT of bend, where you can then see if the bend is the SAME.  You can just use the gizmo and pencil marks for this, too, but if you see an area that the gizmo tells you is WAY too thick, you might rasp, then scrape rather than just taking off the pencil marks.

Alternatively, one thing I do when making bows with kids or scouts is give them all a big fat black crayon.  If you want to go slower or more carefully, just scribble over the thick spots or the gizmo marks a bit, then scrape until crayon is all gone.

Yes, you want to scrape, not whittle or carve the belly of the bow.

Lastly, when using a tillering stick like that, find another long lightweight slat or board that has a straight edge, or tie a string between posts that you can run tip to tip when the bow is pulled with the long string.  That will really show you stuff like which limb bends more.

Offline Marin

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Re: My board bow (build along?)
« Reply #182 on: January 27, 2017, 01:51:36 pm »
Thanks spring buck,
That really helps me

Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: My board bow (build along?)
« Reply #183 on: January 27, 2017, 02:18:13 pm »
You don't have a hinge. Set your gizmo on the deepest bend on the left limb, mark your limb then use the same setting on the right limb. Using the same setting for both limbs will bring them both to an equal bend.

Offline Marin

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Re: My board bow (build along?)
« Reply #184 on: February 11, 2017, 09:03:55 pm »
Well, I tillered some more today and I think I got the limbs now even in bending. There's still woke stiff spots on the left limb but overall everything looks good.
I'll attach some pictures , please give your opinions. Payout guys were tight, there is no hinge but I've been going over the limbs constantly with the tillering gizmo and have been using scissors as a scraper. I even found a nice trick on how to see the evenness of,the bend better  by laying the bow flat on the ground and using the slats of my deck as a straight line of reference
Here's some pictures

Offline Marin

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Re: My board bow (build along?)
« Reply #185 on: February 11, 2017, 09:07:22 pm »
Here's the last coupe, of pictures. The last photo is how the bow looked when I fi sites for the day. I believe the bend is even though e overall tiller needs to be improved on just the left limb. But please, give me your thoughts on how it looks.

But I have been having one problem, the pencil in my gizmo keeps on getting pushed back in. I read Krewson's article on gizmos and I screwed in my pencil just like he did, but mine seems like it needs to be constantly readjusted. Anyone have any tips?

Offline DC

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Re: My board bow (build along?)
« Reply #186 on: February 11, 2017, 09:13:51 pm »
Use a different nut or pencil. Mine was fairly difficult to thread in. After a bit it turns relatively easily. Bows looking pretty good.

Offline Marin

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Re: My board bow (build along?)
« Reply #187 on: February 11, 2017, 09:20:54 pm »
Oh and forgot to mention (though this may be unimportant) to get the right limb bending more I did several oases with a rasp and then used a scraper.

Offline Marin

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Re: My board bow (build along?)
« Reply #188 on: February 11, 2017, 09:21:12 pm »
Thanks DC btw. I'll find another pencil

Offline Marin

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Re: My board bow (build along?)
« Reply #189 on: February 11, 2017, 09:27:11 pm »
Oh also forgot to mention, when I un string the bow and lay it down flat, I notice that the string follow of the right limb (the one that was stiffer) is greater than the left limb? Is this supposed to be happening?

Offline stash59

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Re: My board bow (build along?)
« Reply #190 on: February 11, 2017, 11:30:59 pm »
Use a different nut or pencil. Mine was fairly difficult to thread in. After a bit it turns relatively easily. Bows looking pretty good.

Or wrap a couple wraps of masking tape around the pencil.

Offline Marin

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Re: My board bow (build along?)
« Reply #191 on: February 11, 2017, 11:59:12 pm »
Oh, that's a good idea!

Offline Marin

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Re: My board bow (build along?)
« Reply #192 on: February 25, 2017, 09:46:38 pm »
Well another day of tillering over.
I don't have any pictures to post. All I can say is that the two limbs seem to be getting closer toghter in stiffness but the gizmo is still picking up stiff spots, most of them in the same places. U. Using a rasp first to rasp off all of the pencil marks and then scraping over the spot to get out all the rasping marks or to even out he bell as it appears that it was  uneven in some spots, so I hope the paint scraper gets rid of these.
My question is that so far I have spent several hours tillering at this one spot (12" on the long string) and does that seem natural? I checked the draw weight at the 12 inches and it's dropped from 25 lbs to 20 lbs. I'm afraid that in my attempt to get rid of the stiff spots, I'm creating other imperfections or I'm not scraping enough off. Should I start using  sharpie to make stiff spots then to make sure I scrape enough off?

Offline Marin

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Re: My board bow (build along?)
« Reply #193 on: March 07, 2017, 07:56:46 pm »
Well I did some more tillering and was finally able to move up a notch.
I noticed that if I focused on using only a scraper instead of using a rasp then scraper, I was able to avoid getting unevenness. I marked the stiff spots at 13" but didn't work on it yet, how does it look so far?
I feel like it looks a little stiff near the fades but this is my first time tillering so maybe I'm wrong. What do you guys think?

Offline bubby

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Re: My board bow (build along?)
« Reply #194 on: March 07, 2017, 08:29:11 pm »
Looking good, once u have it bending some more the tiller will show better
failure is an option, everyone fails, it's how you handle it that matters.
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