I've been in a slump for well over a year now. That is one reason I reluctantly said yes when I was asked to be in the first Invitational Bow Trade. It got me going on a nice, narrow osage sliver I had. All I needed was over 45# and I knew this piece of wood had at least that in it. I made a beautiful little bow that pulled just over 45# and shot very well. So, I decided to dress her up...buffalo horn tip overlays, snake belly skins from Osage Outlaw(thanks again Clint), hemp wrapped handle with a floppy rest, the whole kettle of fish. After shooting a few more times she went out of tiller. Talk about a kick in the pants. I re-tillered her back but to a much lower draw weight and gave her to a friend at the Classic for his grand daughter....making lemonade from lemons.

I'm heading to the basement when I finish writing this to continue on with #2 that I started many weeks ago. I'm hoping this will get me out of my bow building slump. Only time will tell.