Author Topic: Secrets to Success  (Read 6856 times)

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Offline bow101

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Re: Secrets to Success
« Reply #15 on: May 18, 2016, 01:02:32 am »
you could do what I do to get a perfect shaft everytime

How could any wood shaft be perfect when perfection is flawless.  Archers paradox, arrow spin etc.. I mean there are so many factors involved in so called perfect arrow flite.  A wood shaft is stiffer one way than the other.  If it flys in a not so perfect fashion you have a flyer heading for the trees.   :)

Just started shooting FG bows and my grouping is the same at 30 yards as 20 yards.   There is no turning back now......  My accuracy has improved about 35%  >:D
« Last Edit: May 18, 2016, 01:06:31 am by bow101 »
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Re: Secrets to Success
« Reply #16 on: May 18, 2016, 06:57:33 am »
I make and have made many many arrows over the years but rarely make a set all at once, I make them 1 at a time and bare shaft each,  especially when making Cain or Shoot shafts. Bought shafts I will check them all for spline/straightness and weight and make up 1 to shoot like I want and then make the others to match ,it takes a lot of time but I can't stand to see anything but nock when I shoot an arrow or to know I did everything right and it didn't hit where I was looking. >:( a lot of times you can do something as simple and rotate the shaft 180 on the bow if all else in the same and it will shoot great. ;)

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Offline Lumberman

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Re: Secrets to Success
« Reply #17 on: May 18, 2016, 07:59:30 am »
I am finally to the stage of bare shaft tuning, started from scratch a few months ago on arrows and then realized I had to make myself a bow first to tune the arrows. It is frustrating bein unsure of arrow flight problems stemming from inexperience in shooting a long bow, poor bow design, nock height, brace height, spine,... Blah blah whine whine. And yet I can't stop trying

Offline bjrogg

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Re: Secrets to Success
« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2016, 01:03:01 pm »
I'm about the same place as you Lumberman. I have never made an arrow from a store bought shaft they are all made from shoots, and to complicate my problem even more I don't have a scale or spine tester. My only saving grace is that my bow is close to center shot. I can and will some day get a scale and buy or make a spine tester, but the shooting good enough for good arrow testing is a though one for me. Sometimes I just shoot one arrow and keep shooting it to try to eliminate some of the variables. I, like you will keep trying, I have already made great improvements in both my shooting and arrows. I have bare tested my last 5 arrows and could hit my block target at 20 yards and their arrow flight seems really nice with fletching on. I wish you the best of luck bow101 learning the secrets to success. I know one is knowing your going to hit that spot it just seems like when I know I'm going to hit it I do, when there's that least little bit of doubt any little distraction I miss, but at least I'm getting closer.
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Re: Secrets to Success
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2016, 01:11:52 pm »
It's pain to be starting out and have so many variables. You never know what to blame, yourself, the bow or the arrows. You just have to keep repeating things, hopefully in an ever tightening circle. You will find that the circle, much like your grouping, will get smaller and smaller. Mine has, not rapidly, but steadily.

Offline crooketarrow

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Re: Secrets to Success
« Reply #20 on: May 29, 2016, 09:38:14 am »
   I've made (Cut out) a couple 1000's of dowl arrows. Butting arrows together not the same as building your own arrows from shoots. As anyone that's stepped back from putting together dowl's to making shoot arrows. Even if your dowling your own shafts not the same.

  No compearson.

  Personally I feel if you build the self bow, YOU NEED TO  MAKE AND SHOOT, SHOOT ARROWS. Anything else your cheating yourself.

CRROKETARROW use to say, People like (meaning me) you have to all go down the same trail backwards. (meaning compounder's back to traditalist's, back to selfbow's).

  So where ever your at going down this trail it's ok. But as CROOKETARROW said you'll all end up the river (place). He was like KUNG FU except he did it through the way he talked.