Author Topic: going for bankruptcy ( 70@28 49"ttt pics added ) chrono numbers pg 6 NOW SINEWED  (Read 40676 times)

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Offline PatM

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Well then it can't be optimum. ;)

Offline Badger

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   Well, I said it can't be done with wood. It actually can if you are willing to make the limb wide enough. Like maybe 4". I might try it with some 1/4 sawn white oak and an osage board. I did an osage self bow similar a couple years ago but with less working limb. I went about 2 1/2" wide. I had exceptional performance to start but it rapidly broke down.

Offline sleek

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So basically a Turkish bow....

  Pretty much but you can't do it with wood.

Challenge accepted :D
Tread softly and carry a bent stick.

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Offline sleek

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I think, when I start tillering this back, I am going to get the tips to start bending first, then try anf move the tiller to the inner limbs. That way the inner limbs release their energy first, and the tips act like the flick of the wrist as a ball is pitched.

  This seems like a tricky proposition. Which part will bend in order to achieve brace?

Im thinking  with the fades being deflexed only the outter third will need to bend.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2016, 01:02:05 pm by sleek »
Tread softly and carry a bent stick.

Dont seek your happiness through the approval of others

Offline sleek

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Without adjusting tiller I braced the bow. String tension is completely through the roof. I am moving, my scale and tree is packed away. This weekend I am going to a shoot in Missouri so I can give numbers there.

I just unbraced it and the tips are perfecly even with the back of the bow. I think everything I did was worth it.I have a set of arrows there waiting on me made by warpath for this bow too so, this will be fun :)

I did however get to take the bow to about 24 inches of draw and fire an arrow. This arrow was completely fine, and had been fired from this bow plently. I just shot the ground from my porch. It hit the ground with such force it split itself open along the grain line in 3 pieces. This bow is powerful.

« Last Edit: September 05, 2016, 02:58:35 am by sleek »
Tread softly and carry a bent stick.

Dont seek your happiness through the approval of others

Offline sleek

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The tips when blaced, protrude higher than the belly of the bow( the string rest on the recurves with file grooves cut in ). I beliece I will be trying to make a string that splits open allowing the string to sit on the nock, split across the limb, half the sting on the right, half on the left, and join together at a sort of bridge/brush nock further towards the outter third of tje limb than at the start of the recurve.

This in my mind will allow the bow to increase in length as the string is drawn, and allow the recurves to really work and " flip the wrist " as the string slams home on the last part of the release.
Tread softly and carry a bent stick.

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Offline sleek

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Gnarly Kevin!
Keep pushin it buddy  ;)
Got a skull out of the dirt with your name on it and it looks pretty good...except for the bullet hole in the forehead.

Thanks buddy, I think this bow is turning out fine.

Id really like to meet you and have you give me that skull in person.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2016, 10:51:23 pm by sleek »
Tread softly and carry a bent stick.

Dont seek your happiness through the approval of others

Offline Urufu_Shinjiro

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Gnarly Kevin!
Keep pushin it buddy  ;)
Got a skull out of the dirt with your name on it and it looks pretty good...except for the bullet hole in the forehead.

Thanks buddy, I think this bow is turning out fine.

Id really like to meet you and have you give me that head in person.

Sleek! Phrasing!  >:D

Offline paco664

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  • ok,ok.. i might have done it...
Gnarly Kevin!
Keep pushin it buddy  ;)
Got a skull out of the dirt with your name on it and it looks pretty good...except for the bullet hole in the forehead.

Thanks buddy, I think this bow is turning out fine.

Id really like to meet you and have you give me that head in person.

Sleek! Phrasing!  >:D
i spit my soda... soda came out my nose...

please please work on phrasing... rofl...
I'm too drunk to taste this chicken"~Col.H.Sanders

Offline Dictionary

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"I started developing an eye for those smooth curves as a young man.  Now that my hair is greying and my middle spreading I make bows instead."


Offline Josh B

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Thanks buddy, I think this bow is turning out fine.

Id really like to meet you and have you give me that head in person.

   ??? Sailors... ::) >:D. I'm glad you got some improvement out of your effort.  I was wondering if you had looked into Wichita for employment.  My cousin worked at Boeing for a couple years and said it was good place to work.  The only reason he didn't stay is because of the long commute and he didn't want to move.  Josh

Offline Swamp Thang

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That moment when you realize your to far down the rabbit hole to turn back but start to really question your decision making skills  :o

Oh well too many skilled bowyers for me to leave  :laugh:

Offline sleek

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Tread softly and carry a bent stick.

Dont seek your happiness through the approval of others


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reminds me a bit of this 200+fps at 10gpp glass bow's shape

  I am convinced this is the optimum design, maybe 30% less bending limb.

Does anyone know the length/width of this bow?

Sleek - I bet that piece of osage doesn't know what's hit it.....!!!! Get your self a piece of maple some horn and some sinew. Wood has it's limits you need more elastic material!

Offline loon

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It might be doable with bamboo, at least up to 50# or something -

fibergrass :D

Sorry, not sure if it's a "commercial link", remove it if it is and I'll stop posting such links

Also... the "strung length" of that glass bow is 45", with a 30" max draw, and bow mass 250 grams. It looks a bit longer than 45"...

« Last Edit: September 09, 2016, 04:38:12 am by loon »