Let me try to sum some notes and add some suggestions. Some points would cause a change in the BOM rules. Maybe a voting page would be good … don,t know.
Please post your bows, here should be as many bows as possible to vote on.
Everyone who is interested in this category should definitely vote, it takes only a few minutes
1. you can take part at BOM with a bow posted on the PA forum in the specific month, not with older or newer bows. (Yes/No)
2. you can take part with as much bows you like, wether in the self bows or in the backed bows section. (Yes/No)
3. everyone can take part, no need to be a subscriber – but would be fine if so. This site is the mag's site and after all there are costs. Every subscriber helps the mag and this site! (Yes/No)
4. The 'prize' for the win is a needle (or medal, sticker, etc. ….) to stick on a hat or a vest. Advantage is low cost and easy shipping. (Yes/No)
5. Only subscribers can get a prize. (Yes/No)
6. The voting time is the first and the second week of the following month, there should be a definite end of voting – let's say the 15th (Yes/No)
7. On the voting page should be a reminder pic (f/d), this makes it easier to decide. Like in former times. I know it's more work for Cip (+ volunteers) (Yes/No)
8. There should be a clear definition between self and backed bow category. Only bows with a strength adding backing is backed bow. Rawhide backing, snake or fish skin backing, feather backing belongs to the self bow category (the rules should be changed in this point, imo). (Yes/No)
9. For comparison it is best to take 4 profile pics of your bow: Back, Side, Braced, Drawn (Yes/No)
10. For those (Cip + helper(s)) who organize the BOM should be an appreciation every year or so.
Idea: the guy with the most BOM wins is invited for a give away. (Yes/No)