OK here's my dilema.....Was tillering the maple backed cedar bow 1and 15/16" wide at fades,68"NTN out to 27"@52#.The handle at that time was 1 and 1/8" wide and straight.Thought I'd carve my arrow pass and finish my usual bulbous handle to see if it might lose a pound or two.Pulled it out to 27" again and tick.Upon inspection it has a a crack on two fades and looks like to me since it is an edge grain bow the flat grain at one fade looks like it is starting to give too.
I gave it 4.5" reflex glueing the maple backing on.It's holding 2.5" of that at least.Weighing it mass wise it is at 17.65ounces.About 11% under normal which is 20 ounces.That really is close to normal for a perry reflex design.It might be a bit light I quess for holding 2.5" of reflex yet.The reflex seems to mostly coming right out of fades mostly but along rest of limbs yet too.
Anyway thought about putting in thin super glue in cracks of course then wrapping with sinew about 4 layers or so on those fades.Kind of have doubts whether that'll hold her but what do you think?Maybe someone out there has fixed something like this.
Here's the cracks on the fades and the way it was reflexed on the form.
Kind of out of focus pics but it's there.

Personally I'm gonna have a hard time trusting this one because of the way cedar can bust.Quickly and violently....lol.