I checked tracking # and for some reason it is at the post office and I will get a "new expected delivery date when it is available".
I guess they don't deliver on Saturday over in ______.
Here's a shot of just a tip 
Well, DuBois, they must think the back of a '96 Silverado pickup truck is the local P.O. then because I got it!!!!

I was just heading out at 4:30 to hear a old friend from out of town give an art lecture, it was 90 out and I had just washed up best I could with limited water, after working all day on the cistern armature, and there it was, a long white tube sticking out of pickup truck. I had to drive all the way to town, and listen to the lecture and drive all the way back before I could open it. Needless to say, I didn't linger!
By the time I got back home a thunderstorm had come up (otherwise very welcome) and I just had time to cut the end off the tube, admire for a moment , before I had the string on it and ran outside with a couple of arrows. It hit where I looked, nice and hard, even without my thumb arm guard, with the skies black and drops starting to pelt down. Then I ran inside and wrote this.
Thank you, thank you, Marco!!

It's beautiful.