Author Topic: 2016 Primitive Archer Bow Trade Sign up and Information  (Read 773494 times)

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Offline turtle

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Re: 2016 Primitive Archer Bow Trade Sign up and Information
« Reply #1155 on: February 10, 2016, 08:27:32 am »
Specs I got definitely aren't mine. :)
Steve Bennett

Offline Mo_coon-catcher

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Re: 2016 Primitive Archer Bow Trade Sign up and Information
« Reply #1156 on: February 10, 2016, 09:08:30 am »
No real progress to speak of the last couple of week. Busy work schedule and far too windy on the little free time I've had lately. More than likely I'll have to dig out plan B. The ERC decided to start letting go a bit while the sinew was pulling tight drying. One limb reflexed about 1" the other pulled about 3" but that because that limb developed some cracks on the belly and one on the side letting the limb pull more. I shot in some super glue to hopefully hold the cracks from opening more. But who knows, it could all work out once the tillering begins on it, or I'll get a nice explosion of wood and sinew.

On the plus side, one of my snakes is heavily into shed so I should have a good piece of decoration for the bow soon. I definitely want to do a molle and I have the decorations all figured out already. Turkey body feathers for the working portion with snake sheds on the levers for a scaly look. I just gotta get the bow working so I can decorate it.


Offline Stixnstones

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Re: 2016 Primitive Archer Bow Trade Sign up and Information
« Reply #1157 on: February 10, 2016, 09:29:59 am »
I'm spec free. The specs i got r not mine, close but not mine.

Offline Swampman

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Re: 2016 Primitive Archer Bow Trade Sign up and Information
« Reply #1158 on: February 10, 2016, 10:34:39 am »
I double checked my guys specs against what he posted and I am good to go. 

Offline ty_in_ND

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Re: 2016 Primitive Archer Bow Trade Sign up and Information
« Reply #1159 on: February 10, 2016, 10:45:45 am »
Just a quick update from me:

Work has also gotten the better of me this past week and a half , so I haven't made a lot of progress on the bow.  I did get some Smooth On ,though, and work has gotten a little lighter.  I'm optimistic that if I can't take an extra day off this week to do some other errands (and work on the bow!), I will definitely have time this weekend.

Also, the specs I got for my trade are different from my own, too.

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Offline Sidmand

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Re: 2016 Primitive Archer Bow Trade Sign up and Information
« Reply #1160 on: February 10, 2016, 10:55:12 am »
Got a couple of questions on my bow.  I want to do scalloped edges, but I'm undecided on whether I want one side only or both sides to be symetrical.  SO, you folks who have a lot of knowledge in regards to eastern Indian tribes and bows in general. 
  • Which tribes made bows with scalloped edges?  I have researched a little and it looks like the Mohawk, Potowatomi, and Iroquois did, at least a little, but mostly for ceremony or decoration.
  • What do I need to watch out for, will the scallops cause a stress point? Will only doing one side, or doing both symetrically, alleviate that or aggravate it?
  • If I do scallops, I was thinking of doing a little V notch in each 'scallop tip', and then wrapping a little yucca or sinew fiber around the bow as a bit of decoration.  But, will the V notch cause a stress point?
  • Im also toying with the nothion of making a yucca string for the bow.  I will make another one out of modern material too, as a backup, but I've not made a yucca bowstring.  Any tips on this?
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Offline Ryan C

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Re: 2016 Primitive Archer Bow Trade Sign up and Information
« Reply #1161 on: February 10, 2016, 11:13:52 am »

Got mine finished but it wasent wanting to go to 28 with this nasty knot.. I'm going to start a new one with a cleaner stave. Won't have my phone for a while so will do my best to post pics.

Offline half eye

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Re: 2016 Primitive Archer Bow Trade Sign up and Information
« Reply #1162 on: February 10, 2016, 11:58:10 am »
Mr. Sidmand,
      Regards the scalloped bows....Most all of the Iroquois Nation used them, as did the Algonquian Language group (Odawa, Chippewa, Pottawatomie,  Ho Chunk, Menominii, and most of the Great Lakes area like the Shawnee.
     Scalloped bows were known by all of these Native Americans....but they also knew of straight bows, double curved bows etc. Elders have advised me that bows of this type are not much different than whites who have a fancy for different types of fireams....the style of bow was not wrote in stone it was a matter of personal choice of the carrier. By the way, the same can be said for the lack of grip wraps on most eastern bows....most were not but that does not mean that some did wrap theirs as a personal preference.
    How the scallops are deployed is usually a give-away as to nation and/or tribe. Some were scalloped all the way up one side (with or without a scallop at the grip) and the size of them makes a difference.....some were on opposite sides one side upper limb and the opposite on lower limb. The only scalloped bows that I know of scalloped up both sides would be the Odawa (in their home territory and single sided for those few displaced to Oklahoma)
   The best way to make them is to shape your front profile, then draw a line in 1/4" from the edge, lay out the scallop pattern, then cut them in no deeper than 1/4" line. Then the scalloped edge(S) should be thinned slightly like the back and belly have a "low crown" section. Then go back and cut the separation "v" not make them deeper than the scallops, about 1/2 to 1/3 the depth is correct. If you are not 100% confident in your cutting of the V's (so you dont leave any sharp stop cuts) then I recommend the use of a file to make them........when all that is done make sure to smooth anything that even resembles a sharp edge.
    Only other thing is if your scallops are cut already when you scrape the belly to finish tiller be careful or you scraper will make a whoopty-do at every peak of the scallops so make sure to have your "low crown" going on.


forgot to say....most all eastern woodland bows had raw-hide strings, a few had bark strings, and I have not seen one with a fiber string (doesn't mean that there never was any however)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2016, 12:05:52 pm by half eye »

Offline David Ewing

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Re: 2016 Primitive Archer Bow Trade Sign up and Information
« Reply #1163 on: February 10, 2016, 11:58:37 am »
The specs I have are different than mine...   I looked at the guy who I drew, and they match up.... So everything is good here.
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Offline stuckinthemud

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Re: 2016 Primitive Archer Bow Trade Sign up and Information
« Reply #1164 on: February 10, 2016, 01:25:53 pm »
Managed to get half an hour in!  Rounded over the edges and started hollowing the limb; lined the cheeks of the joint as well, though it will need refining.

Offline Onebowonder

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Re: 2016 Primitive Archer Bow Trade Sign up and Information
« Reply #1165 on: February 10, 2016, 01:38:32 pm »
That is an interesting looking joint you have there SITM!  I don't think I've ever seen one quite like it before.  Is that for a permanent joint or a take down?


Offline turtle

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Re: 2016 Primitive Archer Bow Trade Sign up and Information
« Reply #1166 on: February 10, 2016, 01:49:28 pm »
Got it to low brace yesterday, so today went all over the belly and sides with the scraper to remove all tool marks. Then I sanded the belly and sides withe 80 grit then went to 200 over the entire bow. Then I started increasing brace highth. At each increase I would scrape any stiff spots  I found and then go back over those spots with the sand paper again. This keeps me from loosing too much weight at the end when doing final sanding. Anyway I got it out to a 6 inch brace and am ready to start exercising and stretching the draw out.
Steve Bennett

Offline Sidmand

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Re: 2016 Primitive Archer Bow Trade Sign up and Information
« Reply #1167 on: February 10, 2016, 01:51:26 pm »
Thank you half eye!  That is very very helpful!  I have not done the layout yet, I will try that in the next day or so, got church tonight, maybe tomorrow night.  Right now my staves are right at 1 1/2 inches wide, but they are still very thick, probably close to 2 inches thick, I haven't removed much belly wood at all.  I'm thinking/hoping with Osage that I can make a couple bendy handle scalloped bows that are around 1 1/4 wide but scalloped at least on one side, so the tips of the scallops would be 1 1/2 or so.  Got to draw it out and see. 
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Offline stuckinthemud

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Re: 2016 Primitive Archer Bow Trade Sign up and Information
« Reply #1168 on: February 10, 2016, 01:57:45 pm »
Take down, was hoping the joint would be a tight interference fit and only need one bolt but the interference isn't tight enough and either needs an offset key or twin bolts or an offset bolt to jam it tight. Am thinking there's not enough timber depth for a key, offset bolts are a pain in the neck and always cross thread so twin bolts are probably the way forward. May work up an antler plate instead of washers.

Offline half eye

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Re: 2016 Primitive Archer Bow Trade Sign up and Information
« Reply #1169 on: February 10, 2016, 01:59:18 pm »
Turtle, man I got to tell got a natural talent for tillering those "natural" condition staves, hats off to ya man 8) 8)

Sidmand, if you have any particular tribe/band in mind I'll see if I have a pic of one......I did post nearly all the bow pics I had....dont know if they were kept or not but ya could also check on that....but I do have a few left on my computer.