Hey guys, here is my plan B bow, which will be the bow I send out.
Plan A was too short for the guy I ended up with.
I went with a design I'm familiar with, on a very nice piece of yew.
I'd like to shoot it a little more before I send it out, but time has been short lately

Bottom limb had a little bit more deflex than the top, but I decided to not use heat on the belly.
It was a well seasoned piece of wood, and seemed to take very little set.
I hope my guy likes it, it's a nice shooting bow, and is right at his requested draw length and weight.
My guy makes amazing bows, so even if this bow sees little action, it'll still look good hanging on the wall!

Skins are from RyanC, bighorn sheep tips and a fat boy hemp grip.
I'm drawing a little short in the FD, but not by much.
cheers guys