I liked the bows,, when I saw the movie,, I thought well done on the bows,, and I am sure they were not treated well,, probably left strung etc etc,,, anyway,, I am sure if you could go back in time,,,that most native bows didn't look to have "perfect tiller ",,, hard use,, and bad weather can effect any wood bow,,, in a negative way,, but as long as it was functional,, I am sure they used it to the very last shot,,,on that note,, bows that don't look perfect can shoot perfect,, and we have put such a strong emphasis on the look of a bow,, that alot of times we forget,,,, the way the bow shoots is for most,,,and in the movie, the bows did their job and functioned as needed,, job done,,so how the tiller "looked" is really not an issue,,and is probably more representative of real bows of that time,, than our bows made in perfect controlled conditions,, I didn't see anything negative about the bows at all,,,,thats just me ,,after devoting a large part of my life to making and shooting ,, on a professional level,, B

I am going to see the movie again,, just to look closer at the bows