Like Eddie said. Just dig a hole bigger than what you need, so the roots, will be able to spread out, without having to fight through dense dirt. Fluff the dirt a bit, and keep it watered, and in the sun. Also vitamin B6 will help the roots grow. It is good for any plants roots. Then get ready, in a couple of years, for some serious, digging, and cussing. Some varieties of bamboo can actually be seen growing. As in getting taller. You can watch it move upwards. Thought I would clarify that, before J.W. or some of you others jumped on that. Oh, yeah, well I've seen corn growing, even a pine tree, etc. Once it is established, it will spread quite rapidly. Don't plant it near the house! I have a Friend in Florida, that raises boo. He has giant, and some other stuff that only gets about 1 1/2 inch in diameter, or so, and some black boo. I would like to grow some of the Bucket bamboo. It is quite large in diameter, hence the name Bucket bamboo. The Orientals used it for buckets. Just cut it off below a node, and below the upper node, put a hole on each side of the top, and put a rope in it, and wa lah, a bucket! There is also one called turtle back. It is an ornamental boo. There is a veritable "Plethora" varieties of bamboo.