Braced and unbraced

also belly? Profile.

it is good stuff at least I think so

look around for it in older neighborhoods ( think like 60-70s) it was planted as a ornamental at that time.
Winter/when the leafs start to turn is the best time to cut it, if you cut in the spring or summer you will need to rough it out right away to keep the checking under control (this stuff can crack down to the pith in the same day you cut it, if it's a warm spring day.) if you want any tips on working the stuff send me a P.M.
Pat and goat
I'm pretty happy with how it shoots, earlyer today I shot a verity of arrows from it( a light bamboo arrow on one end and a heavy 23/64 wood shaft that's 30in long even tho I wasn't drawing it back that far ) they all shot pretty well from it with the heavier arrows dropping sooner but that's too be expected. Over all very little handshock even with the half inch washer on my tillering string