Author Topic: Bamboo (Tomato Stake) Arrows  (Read 3267 times)

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Offline Lefty8917

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Bamboo (Tomato Stake) Arrows
« on: November 09, 2015, 04:14:52 pm »
I started making these arrows this year and was lucky enough to harvest a pair of does this season with them. On my Shooting and Hunting post people asked to see more of the arrows. I thought I would make a "how to" on how I do things. I don't consider myself an expert so if anyone has feedback please give it!

Ive gotten all my bamboo from the Home Depot. They sell them in a pack of 6 for less than $3 and in most packs I can get about 4 to 5 arrows. I start out by getting each piece pretty much straight by using my Wagner heat gun.

My spine tester consists of a piece of OSB with 2 nails at 26" appart. I have a digital caliper to measure the deflection made by a 2lb lead weight made of melted fishing weights. I melted the weight in a tuna can to form its shape. I found this design from a few different websites. So credit goes to those guys. Here is the chart to convert deflection into poundage, also easily found on the internet.

Once straight move the shaft back and forth on the spine tester to find the best spine. Once I found a spot that is between 45 and 55# Ill spin it, measuring the deflection again every quarter turn. I aim to get a spine at 50#.

Once I find the best spot Ill cut it at 30". Ill then straighten the shaft with the heat gun again. Getting it as straight as possible. Once cut and straight, Ill put it back on the spine tester and measuring deflection again every quarter turn. Once I found the best spine Ill make a pencil mark on the top of the shaft to know where to put the odd fletch.

Next Ill cut the knock using a scroll saw. Making sure my pencil mark was on a side, so when the arrow goes through paradox it will be the correct spine. Next Ill drill out the center of the bamboo and glue in a wood insert. The insert only needs to be about a half inch long or so.

Next I would glue the fletchings on with fletchtite. The glue wont hold so I wrap the fletchings and in front of the knock with B50 bow string. Gluing each end with superglue. I write the spine on each arrow for easy grouping. So far Ive made 11 and all between 47 and 53# spine.

« Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 04:21:18 pm by Lefty8917 »

Offline rps3

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Re: Bamboo (Tomato Stake) Arrows
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2015, 04:36:16 pm »
Looking good Joe. Great job with pictures too. I need to hire you as a photographer.

Offline helmet

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Re: Bamboo (Tomato Stake) Arrows
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2015, 12:03:25 pm »
thanks lefty, I appreciate all arrow building information. Some day I will try bamboo.!