Here In the U.K. when someone makes a hash of something or a mistake it's often called a "cock up"( I.E. buying a V.W diesel car and expecting lower toxic emmisions

), a saying that's been around for many years, many attribute its origin from the old English longbow when an arrow was nocked with the cock feather facing the bow, causing the arrow to fly erratically and damage the fletching.

( I guess this would be more evident with English longbows and warbows as the arrows are often spined a little stiffer for distance and not so much for accuracy.)
The cleaner loose and up and down effect with your arrow we call porpoiseing ( as in dolphin swimming) and usually means your nock point on the string is a little high ( or maybe one limb of the bow is working more than the other?), too low it hits your hand or smacks the arrow shelf, whatever it is shot off.
Ruddy Darter.