Author Topic: board bow (straight or curve)  (Read 2288 times)

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Offline James Rodney

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board bow (straight or curve)
« on: November 21, 2015, 11:28:46 am »
Hey guys, sorry it's been a while since i've said anything.. things have been hectic lately. i'm in the process of making a board bow, just because i'm bored and waiting for staves to dry.  Oak board with pretty good grain, and i'm going to try and do a bamboo backing.  my question may seem stupid, so here it goes.   I'm wondering if bow's have to be straight, like if you're looking at it as you'd hold it when shooting it.  could you arc the bow slightly from TTT, to slightly offset it from the center? i just had the idea of instead of cutting in a shelf, why not be able to have the bow slightly curved?  so the string will not be directly in the center of the bow, but more to the side.  giving it a more straight path to follow with the arrow, off the side of the bow. 

the picture is as if you're looking at the belly of the bow.
Slowly, i stalked her. Watching her every move. Silently moving in for the kill, only to find she was so perfectly tuned to nature i couldn't take the shot. My stomach was growling, yet i couldn't take the shot. My desire to see beauty overpowered my desire to eat.

Offline DC

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Re: board bow (straight or curve)
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2015, 11:33:14 am »
That would be under string alignment ;) The string should go through the center of the handle. You can have it go a bit of center but not much. I believe too much would cause the bow to twist in your hand.

Offline James Rodney

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Re: board bow (straight or curve)
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2015, 11:36:58 am »
i didn't think about twisting while shooting.. i've glued two pieces of rosewood for a riser in the middle.  i will prob cut in a small shelf, but not try to hard to make it center shot.  i figured if i curved the limbs out just a small fraction, i could get it true center.  but i'm just mainly experimenting.
Slowly, i stalked her. Watching her every move. Silently moving in for the kill, only to find she was so perfectly tuned to nature i couldn't take the shot. My stomach was growling, yet i couldn't take the shot. My desire to see beauty overpowered my desire to eat.

Offline DC

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Re: board bow (straight or curve)
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2015, 11:46:19 am »
I believe I read somewhere that true centershot isn't that desirable, there should be a bit of offset. But I may have dreamed it so take that into consideration. I have this theory that the reason different bows of the same weight want different spine arrows is because of the string offset, more offset needs less spine.

Offline Pat B

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Re: board bow (straight or curve)
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2015, 11:57:46 am »
Don't try to make it center shot. That is a FG thing. Make arrows that are properly spined for the bow you are shooting. You will get good performance from bows that are not center shot IF your arrows are spined properly for that bow.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline Academonicon

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Re: board bow (straight or curve)
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2015, 12:35:26 pm »
I've had real trouble with staves where the string sits too far to one side of the handle.  They twist in your hand, which is a real pain both in shooting and during tillering.

Offline James Rodney

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Re: board bow (straight or curve)
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2015, 12:57:13 pm »
well darn. i thought i was on to something good here.. lol  i'll keep it straight. centershot wasn't really the goal. just thought it would help arrow flight paths if the string was closer to the side of the bow the arrow would be on.

  ask and learn!
Slowly, i stalked her. Watching her every move. Silently moving in for the kill, only to find she was so perfectly tuned to nature i couldn't take the shot. My stomach was growling, yet i couldn't take the shot. My desire to see beauty overpowered my desire to eat.