Author Topic: New bow made  (Read 2433 times)

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Offline dkrotenberg

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Re: New bow made
« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2015, 05:00:39 pm »
Thx, all.

I have shot it for a few days, and it holds up still. Still draws 53# at 28".

Tonight I finished coating it. It got several layers of virgin linseed oil, through some days, and this evening i Rubbed it with a mix of 3/4 beeswax(Bought in shop) and 1/4 pine sapp (collected in Jutland). I rubbed it in with my hands only, wich took some of my calluses away, wich I got when making the bow. It reppels Water well, and after a short while, does not feel sticky. It darkens the Wood somewhat. I find this coating to be more hostorical than shellack, wich was not in common use until the after the medival period. Shellack of course is better, almost as good as modern varnish.

Btw. Notice that the quil of the cock feather is left longer, it extends to the nock, and I can thereby feel how the arrow must lie on the string, without looking. That is why I dont use cockfeathers of another colour.

Offline OTDEAN

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Re: New bow made
« Reply #16 on: October 26, 2015, 06:49:33 pm »
As a re-enactor, first off I want to say that is a great outfit mate!  That really was a beautiful bow.  I love the fact you have used an authentic finish.  Bravo! You should be proud with that beauty.  Look after it.
