Author Topic: Takedown sleeve ?  (Read 1431 times)

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Offline HighEagle

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Takedown sleeve ?
« on: August 31, 2015, 09:21:04 am »
Can I use a substitution glue for the MT-13 Epoxy glue? I have a good start on a takedown With homemade sleeves. How much glue can really be applied to the sleeves? And how do you keep the end of the 4inch handle sleeve clean of glue? Thanks Chuck
Armstrong, BC

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Re: Takedown sleeve ?
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2015, 09:41:28 am »
I put it on the limb and stand it up in a vice so it don't run down into the sleeve, also give myself a bit of clearance, maybe 1/16 for any glue I can't get out where the limb and sleeve connects. Never been a big problem ,you can tapper of the noise of the opposite sleeve if the fit don't go quite to the bottom because of the glue. Not sure on other glues, I do know you need to use good glue. :)
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Re: Takedown sleeve ?
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2015, 05:32:57 pm »
I've done three sleeve sets. The two with other epoxies used didn't stay tight. When I finally wised up and bought MT-13 on my 3rd attempt, it worked great. That's my .02 cents. As for leaks. Try wrapping duct tape around the sleeve and handle meet area. It will seal most of it off.
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Offline Gaur

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Re: Takedown sleeve ?
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2015, 10:34:33 pm »
I used Mt-13 quite a few times with good results.  I used JB weld and this one as I was leaving for Haiti and didn't have time to order the MT epoxy.  I am working on and so far it is holding.  I'll let you know in a few more days when I finish getting it tillered and shot in.  Its a bamboo backed, ipe core and purple heart belly.  Got it off of James Parker's table as it had a african paduak accent stripe in it that had cracked. He had discarded it along with a nice bamboo recurve that had some twist to the limb.  I took them both off his hands about 2 years ago and am finally trying to save them.  I cut the bow in half so I could cut out the cracked paduak and put in some new riser material and made it a take down.  Holding up so far and hoping to give it to a friend in Congo next week as I am off there do so some fish farming work for three weeks.
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