Author Topic: Anyone going to the Rinehart R100 in Iowa tomorrow?  (Read 2415 times)

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Offline Ranasp

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Anyone going to the Rinehart R100 in Iowa tomorrow?
« on: August 28, 2015, 11:37:02 pm »
A friend and I will be representing traditional gear.  Sadly I don't have my horn bow yet, so I'm using glass but at least the arrows will be wooden.  ;)  My friend will be using her Hungarian horsebow, last time (the first time) we did a 3-d shoot we had loads of fun so we're looking forward to this one.  Will let you know how it goes!

Offline Ranasp

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Re: Anyone going to the Rinehart R100 in Iowa tomorrow?
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2015, 11:40:03 pm »
So while my friend and I were there, we didn't see a single traditional shooter.  Very awkward, and right off the bat infuriating due to a whole bunch of factors.  First target was a cheetah chasing a gazelle, which we had to wait about a half hour to shoot because of two massive groups of people with sights and binoculars (even though the distance was listed at every single shot, which seems really weird to me) were being Very Serious Shooters.  So not knowing the routine much (this is our second 3-d shoot ever) we look around for the red line, saw that it was about 5 yards in front of the dark line that compounds shoot at for the most part, and I aim for the cheetah.  Hit the target, but not the vitals, and the arrow does this crazy spinning deflection.  I think that's pretty weird, but it's even weirder when the same thing happens with the gazelle, but this time the arrow goes flying into the woods from the deflection.  When we go up to retrieve arrows, we poke at the targets to find they're some sort of hard plastic, completely unlike the targets we shot at the other 3-d shoot.  I see the one arrow I can find is broken right behind where the field point was, the other arrow is off in the trees somewhere and there's people behind us waiting so we hustle out.  That rattled me pretty bad I guess, because the rest of the shoot was a disaster, with the exception of a smallish frog target that I bullseyed. 

If it was just me then I'd have chalked it up to me having the worst shoot of my life for whatever reason, but my friend wound up having the same problems on the same targets that I was, and Every Single Target had zero natural backstop, unless you count tall weeds, thorny plants, and dense tall grass a backstop.  On top of that people were kinda rude when we asked politely to play through since it was just the two of us.  Don't know if that's considered gauche, but on the scoring ticket it said to let faster parties go ahead so we thought it would be ok.  In the end I wound up destroying/losing all five of my arrows (again, at the first 3-d shoot we did I lost zero arrows and pretty much used the same one over and over or two arrows in the case of multiple targets, so I thought I would be fine)  and my friend lost/broke most of hers as well.  What's galling is that I KNOW we're not bad shots, we routinely peg 2" foam balls that are thrown on the ground at around 20 yards, but then again a lot of the targets were at 24 yards even for traditional gear.  Maybe if we had caught up to a group of been-there-done-that traditional folk we wouldn't have felt like we were getting stared at the entire time, or maybe it's just because we were such awful shots that day.  We didn't even complete the course, and did the walk of shame out of there.  The only thing I can say that was positive is that we got a bit of exercise in walking around and shooting, and found that even after a wretched shoot we can still be civil to each other on a two-hour+ car ride.

Offline bowandarrow473

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Re: Anyone going to the Rinehart R100 in Iowa tomorrow?
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2015, 12:03:22 am »
Well that stinks. But hey, it's the way it goes sometimes.
Whatever you are, be a good one.

Offline mullet

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Re: Anyone going to the Rinehart R100 in Iowa tomorrow?
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2015, 09:49:41 pm »
I've shot in a few shoots down here that the majority were wheelie shooters with all of their toys and gadgits. I hate waiting in line when I thought I was going to have fun, that's why I haven't been to Disney since it cost $20 to get in and I live thirty minutes away.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline JEB

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Re: Anyone going to the Rinehart R100 in Iowa tomorrow?
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2015, 10:19:37 pm »
That's  a bad deal for sure.  We are real fortunate to have 4 or 5 trad only shoots, one is primitive and another is longbow only.  No scoring is done.  Just a good time is required.

One day my wife and I was at the range shooting and got behind two guys that were shooting wheels.  I knew one as he was a deputy so we chatted a bit.  After 3 targets we walked around them and moved on.  They had wheels, sights, range finders and binoculars.  At one target one guy asked the otherto stand in front of the sun so he could see his sights.

Some folks just do 't know how to have fun!!!

Offline Ranasp

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Re: Anyone going to the Rinehart R100 in Iowa tomorrow?
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2015, 12:13:47 am »
"that's why I haven't been to Disney since it cost $20 to get in and I live thirty minutes away."  Haha, thanks for the laugh! 

I think part of what was so upsetting was that the first 3-D shoot we went to, we had a great time even with three people in our group using wheelbows.  We were all joking around, having fun, hassling each other and giving tips while shooting the targets.  Each target was interesting or a challenge, with a lot of thought put into how a compound shooter would approach it and how a traditional shooter would, with either natural backstops put in, angled so it's pretty easy to find your arrows, or in a few cases some major psyche out factors like having the beaver target in front of a massive tree, so you KNOW if you miss your arrow is going to be a part of the woods from then on.  (It worked too, some fancy carbon arrow was embedded a few inches into that tree, likely because the archer couldn't stop looking at it. ;)  )  In any case, it was mixed up nicely.  Most shots had the trad posts closer, but still challenging.  Some of the compound posts had better height so fewer plants were in the way, some posts had everyone shooting from the same spot, things like that.

  At the r100 it seemed to me that every target was set up with the compound shooter in mind, with traditional shooters as an afterthought of "Oh yeah, put their post 5-10 yards closer on each target".  Talking to a friend of mine who runs, he pointed out that having a big prize can bring out the Serious People, and this might have been the case with the shoot.

   In any case, I needed to make sure I wasn't a horrible archer all of a sudden so today I spent some time salvaging a couple of arrows and gluing on field tips and plugging away at my targets.  What put me in an even better mood was having my Hungarian arrows delivered today, and got to shoot a few rounds with them.