You don't seem to have any fades to speak of and the front profile has been narrowed quite a bit so that's why all the bend is in the middle. Could you post a close up side view of that handle section? Its difficult to see because of the photo, but I think you've cut the fade within the handle itself rather than taper into the limb. If that's the case the thinnest part of your fade is also at the thinnest part of your flare. I did exactly the same thing on my first try.
This was mine

I posted this on another forum and was kindly helped out by Bowjunkie I'm guessing that its the same person as on this forum. he posted this pic to help explain it to me (I hope he wont mind me reposting it)

If I'm wrong and the whole thing is uniform thickness forget everything Ive posted. (apart from listen to pearl and glue a handle on to support the middle)