Author Topic: master piece bow challenge  (Read 14897 times)

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Offline Dakota Kid

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Re: master piece bow challenge
« Reply #15 on: June 17, 2015, 06:04:43 pm »
I am a mural artist professionally. Trying to make my bows look amazing actually hurt me quite a bit when I first started building. Now that my failure rate is decreasing I'm getting a little fancier. I have a couple in the works now that I'll post here when finished if the thread is still alive by then.
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Offline GB

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Re: master piece bow challenge
« Reply #16 on: June 17, 2015, 07:19:08 pm »
Some of the prettiest bows I've seen have had minimal finish work done to them.  Just enough to make them waterproof I guess.  But, to each their own... :)
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Offline Josh B

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Re: master piece bow challenge
« Reply #17 on: June 17, 2015, 08:23:33 pm »
I think your backwards. Many already make the best bow they can every time, and a few half ass stuff requiring a "challenge" to put any effort forth.

Hey!  I resemble that remark!  The half assed part anyway.  But I must protest the insinuation that I would abandon my trademark single-cheek finishing system just because someone threw out an open challenge.  If I'm not going to put the effort forth on my own initiative, I'm certainly not going to do it on someone else's.  Lol!  Josh

Offline sleek

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Re: master piece bow challenge
« Reply #18 on: June 17, 2015, 09:00:18 pm »
This post wasnt for folks who dont want to try something new or perfect something they arent familiar with. It was to inspire those who wanted to or were open to the idea. Im trying somehandle and tip carving I have Lways wanted to try but never did. Im going to post on here when im done. My goal is to get out of the norm, and not make a big rut in my bow making. I know the path I always take well and am good at it. Just thought it would be fun for others who are willing to do the same and compare experiences. That is all.
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Offline bubby

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Re: master piece bow challenge
« Reply #19 on: June 17, 2015, 10:20:05 pm »
Sleek Logan my oldest grandson asked for a new bow and asked for some carving on it so I'm gonna carve on the bellysides of the handle fades and the horn tips, don't worry good or bad I'll post it :laugh:
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Offline bubbles

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Re: master piece bow challenge
« Reply #20 on: June 17, 2015, 10:57:29 pm »
I started messing around with some veneers recently, with decent results. 

Did the same thing around the tips as well.

Offline lebhuntfish

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Re: master piece bow challenge
« Reply #21 on: June 17, 2015, 11:30:20 pm »
Now that's a heck of an idea. I think that type of stuff is what sleek is talking about. Something you don't normally do or something out of your comfort zone. Maybe think outside of the box some. Just my thoughts, Patrick
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Building a bow has been the most rewarding, peaceful, and frustrating things I have ever made with my own two hands!

Offline Josh B

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Re: master piece bow challenge
« Reply #22 on: July 09, 2015, 10:26:44 am »
This post wasnt for folks who dont want to try something new or perfect something they arent familiar with. It was to inspire those who wanted to or were open to the idea. Im trying somehandle and tip carving I have Lways wanted to try but never did. Im going to post on here when im done. My goal is to get out of the norm, and not make a big rut in my bow making. I know the path I always take well and am good at it. Just thought it would be fun for others who are willing to do the same and compare experiences. That is all.

I think I came across wrong.  I was bagging on myself not what you're trying to do here.  Quite the opposite in fact.  I rather look forward to seeing what masterpieces are made in this effort.  Sorry if I came across in a negative manner.  Josh

Offline Urufu_Shinjiro

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Re: master piece bow challenge
« Reply #23 on: July 09, 2015, 07:20:19 pm »
I like the idea. I see so many beautiful bows on this site, and many of them are beautiful in their sleek, simple, and well formed lines etc. I think what the OP is going for is a challenge to do some over the top decorations, something most of us who appreciate primitive styles of most anything don't normally go for. Super fancy finishes, veneers like posted above, carved art tips, even just painted patterns/designs, that sort of thing. Kinda the difference between a masterfully made bow of war which has it's own beauty, vs a bow of that same quality but decorated for an emperor or king etc. Is that what you were going for Sleek?

Offline Marc St Louis

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Re: master piece bow challenge
« Reply #24 on: July 09, 2015, 08:08:37 pm »
I have always been more interested in the functional aspect of a bow but the fit and finish does play a part in it as well, just not as important.
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Offline lebhuntfish

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Re: master piece bow challenge
« Reply #25 on: July 09, 2015, 09:24:19 pm »
I like the idea. I see so many beautiful bows on this site, and many of them are beautiful in their sleek, simple, and well formed lines etc. I think what the OP is going for is a challenge to do some over the top decorations, something most of us who appreciate primitive styles of most anything don't normally go for. Super fancy finishes, veneers like posted above, carved art tips, even just painted patterns/designs, that sort of thing. Kinda the difference between a masterfully made bow of war which has it's own beauty, vs a bow of that same quality but decorated for an emperor or king etc. Is that what you were going for Sleek?

I believe that is exactly what he was trying to get across in his original post. The idea is, something above and beyond. Like me personally, I've never done any painting or carvings on a bow. So for me that would be over the top, or above and beyond for that matter. Patrick
Once an Eagle Scout, always an Eagle Scout!

Missouri, where all the best wood is! Well maybe not the straightest!

Building a bow has been the most rewarding, peaceful, and frustrating things I have ever made with my own two hands!

Offline Joec123able

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Re: master piece bow challenge
« Reply #26 on: July 09, 2015, 09:55:21 pm »
Good idea, I never strive for a perfect finish or a good looking finish I just like to keep the wood protected from moisture. For the most part I end beating the finish up pretty good on most bows after a year or two. I usually try to sand bows down and get every single tool mark out but lately I've been leaving a few marks in because it doesn't really bother me anymore. I might take on your challenge tho  8)
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Offline Joec123able

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Re: master piece bow challenge
« Reply #27 on: July 09, 2015, 10:05:08 pm »
I think your backwards. Many already make the best bow they can every time, and a few half ass stuff requiring a "challenge" to put any effort forth.

I think he's trying to say, build a bow that's out of your comfort zone and do something out of the norm. Just go completely all out on decorations and so on. I'm sure just about every one puts their best effort into every bow but he's saying to build something far beyond what you normally build, thats how I took it.
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Offline sleek

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Re: master piece bow challenge
« Reply #28 on: July 09, 2015, 10:25:37 pm »
You guys are pretty much getting the idea. I look forward to seeing what yall post!
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Offline Gordon

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Re: master piece bow challenge
« Reply #29 on: July 09, 2015, 11:42:46 pm »
A well-executed bow is inherently beautiful.