Did you hear about the English archer who got accused of cheating for using an arrow rest at Crecy in 1346?
Neither did I.
The original post...states in it's first line.
"True to form English Longbow"Personally I have no truck with rules and regulations and tend to shun formal competition for because of jobsworths and pedants who fuss about such trivia.
When I go field shooting I don't care if my bow is classed as primitive or considered to be some other category, I shoot for the fun of it and I make bows for the fun of it.
No English bows at Crecy would have had arrow rests probably no leather grips or arrow plates either.
Victorian longbows wouldn't have arrow rests either.
I don't actually giveadamn, but having said that.
The bow would not qualify as an ELB anywhere on this planet to the best of my knowledge:- and if it is to be shipped to the UK and used in competiton, it could cause the owner some serious embarrassment if it was noticed.
Some archery organisations actually specify that the leather grip must not be thick enough to act as an arrow rest.
I have had a bow returned because it was considered to have too much reflex to meed the BLBS definition of ELB. This caused me considerable inconvenience as I had to make a replacement bow.
I am in no way decrying the superb workmanship... I'm actually trying to be helpful in a (hopefully) amusing manner.
Maybe I've misunderstood the tone of your response, and maybe you've misunderstood the tone of my original post.
Maybe you've also missed my signature line
