Author Topic: First successful osage flatbow! (lots of pics)  (Read 2495 times)

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Offline Academonicon

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First successful osage flatbow! (lots of pics)
« on: June 13, 2015, 10:19:57 pm »
Immensely satisfied, I can finally say I've finished my first osage bow!  It's taken a couple tries, and it was probably WAY more work than it needed to be, but it's finished, and the recipient is happy, and therefore so am I!

I started with lumber from my relatives' farm in Indiana.  I harvested a bunch of the stuff last year that I still hadn't been able to use yet, and there was a stave with a nice natural reflex to it, so I picked that one.

Chased a single growth ring, working around some fairly minimal pins scattered along the stave.  Got it into roughly the shape I wanted...

Kept working until I could string it...

And finished it!

The tiller came out a little wonky, with a bit of hinge a few inches above the handle on the top limb, and kind of stiff past that point on top and bottom, but the problem is relatively slight and I learned a lot from the process.  (Among other things, I learned how much more I know now than when I started two years ago.  MAN those first couple bows I made shoot like crap compared to this one.)  The bow shoots really beautifully - quiet, really minimal shock, plenty of speed, and even I (with my terrible marksmanship) managed to shoot it pretty accurately.  I'm extremely jealous that Jenny gets to take it home, but that's how it goes.  I've got more staves, and I'm already dreaming about the next one.

osage flatbow design
59" n2n, 1.75" at the fades tapering to <.5" tips
~48# @27"
black leather wrapping on the grip
finished with 3 coatings of tung oil, nothing else.

Offline Del the cat

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Re: First successful osage flatbow! (lots of pics)
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2015, 02:55:34 am »
Nice story, good job, it's always a joy to get that first elusive shooter.
The important thing is you can see the slight tiller problems yourself so you know they won't be there the next time. :)
Those slightly S shaped staves (one limb deflex) one limb reflex are a bit of a pig to tiller as they deceive the eye. It's arguable better to use some heat to get the limbs even after floor tiller stage.
It's the top limb has the reflex right? That makes it look a bit stiff in the outer 1/2-1/3 which accentuates your hint of hinge (That would be a good name for a bowyers aftershave.... ::) )
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Offline George Tsoukalas

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Re: First successful osage flatbow! (lots of pics)
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2015, 09:06:40 am »
Loos great! I don't see a hinge. Congratulations on your first osage bow. Jawge
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Offline Dvshunter

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Re: First successful osage flatbow! (lots of pics)
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2015, 07:51:26 am »
Congrats on a fine looking bow and a happy recipient.
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Offline joachimM

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Re: First successful osage flatbow! (lots of pics)
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2015, 08:09:49 am »
Nice job! Those S-shaped staves are too easy to find and it's equally easy to mess up their tiller.  Well done.

Offline Pappy

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Re: First successful osage flatbow! (lots of pics)
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2015, 08:24:30 am »
Very nice job on your first, congrats.  :) Is this your first shooter or just first from Osage ?
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Re: First successful osage flatbow! (lots of pics)
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2015, 10:15:47 am »
Congrats on a good looking bow!  I'm sure there will be many more in your future!
Rob - Wexford, PA

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Offline Academonicon

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Re: First successful osage flatbow! (lots of pics)
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2015, 10:48:59 am »
Thanks everyone!

Del: Yeah, I think next time I'll try and heat the limbs into an even shape.  I fiddled with the shape on this one a bit, but just to take some of the twist out of the limbs.

Pappy: Not my first bow, no, but my first osage.  I think this is probably something like my 15th build (10th successful?), though it's my first time working with any kind of raw stave - I'd previously been making board bows with oak, maple, and hickory.