Author Topic: Arrow Heads of Ancient Russia - Trip to Moscow Historical Museum  (Read 3179 times)

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Offline Prarie Bowyer

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So I went to the Moscow Historical Museum.  I'm not certain that I went in the right order and most of the tags were not translated.  Also I was shooting though glass so focusing was difficult. In all the clear time periods some common designs kept resurfacing though materials change.

On the left are bone arrow heads.  The swords are iron but the arrow heads on the right I couldn't tell if they were bronze or, I think Iron.  They were three blade designs with forged tangs that seem to have rotted away but some looked as if they could have had a socket for the shaft.  The smallest one was tiny enough to fit on a dime with plenty of space around.

More Bone heads and tools.

Iron arrow heads.  These are big enough to hunt with by todays standards (though 90% of what was there was far smaller than today's legal requirements for most states)
The one with the hole you can tell was forged by by folding bar back onto its self.  Again more of the three blade design.

Flat iron heads with tangs.  A Shield Boss, and a viking type helmet.  The early Rus had cultural and historical ties to viking tribes I believe.

More iron heads.  Some surprisingly large at 2" or longer in length.

Turned a corner and found a big gap in time.  Early stone tools.  This was a larger section of the collection but alot of stuff was the same and lighting prevented legible pictures.

Some of these would be legal today.

These were amazingly thin, sharp and flat.  PERFECT stone work.  Didn't catch the time period but it was near Mamoth bones and and a neolithic skeleton.

More bone heads.

I think these are cast bronze or tin.  They were amazingly small, with nearly perfect sockets and fine blades.

more bone and bronze items together.

These were also amazingly small and delicate.  3 blade design.  I think cast then refined but possibly forged?  There also some stones that were molds for bronze knives and some cast knives from them.  I'm guessing they had something similar for the arrow heads?

Iron?  forged I think.  3 balde design again.

Horn bow with horn back under birch bark backing.  Ivory tip overlays on the belly and sides of the syahs.

bone heads on the left and broze or iron on the right.  Some had tangs and I think some had sockets.

Iron heads from flat stock.  Looks like a blend of cut out and forged.

More three blade tanged iron heads.  These were about 2" long

not arrows but cool iron work.

Iron.  knives?  Or huge arrow heads.  About 3" long if I recall.

Birch bark arrow quiver.

Mongol trade heads?  Huge cutting diameter.

Turn the corner and more stone work so it must have been organized by region.

Bone axe? and some stone and bone heads.  There were some AWESOME stone axes that were ground from malachite and some blue rock. 

Offline Prarie Bowyer

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Re: Arrow Heads of Ancient Russia - Trip to Moscow Historical Museum
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2015, 10:22:26 am »

Offline Del the cat

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Re: Arrow Heads of Ancient Russia - Trip to Moscow Historical Museum
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2015, 10:32:18 am »
Wow very cool, thanks for posting.
I like the 3 edged arrow heads and that Birch Bark quiver is V nice.
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Offline Pat B

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Re: Arrow Heads of Ancient Russia - Trip to Moscow Historical Museum
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2015, 11:36:54 am »
COOL!!!  Thanks for posting.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline Adam

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Re: Arrow Heads of Ancient Russia - Trip to Moscow Historical Museum
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2015, 02:39:19 pm »
I really enjoyed looking through these pictures.  Thanks for taking the time to post them.  It's interesting to see the differences and similarities in artifacts from different areas of the world.

Offline Prarie Bowyer

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Re: Arrow Heads of Ancient Russia - Trip to Moscow Historical Museum
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2015, 06:49:52 pm »

I thought that also.  Some of the above I realize could be copper. 

I for some reason didn't photograph a pair of cool axes that were ground and polished from malachite, and some bright blue stone, lapis?  they were kinda big with a hammerish looking flat back and a sharp front. 

There were other several more plain hammers and I'm guessing splitting wedges that were ground from stone but I didn't photograph everything.

Offline bowmo

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Re: Arrow Heads of Ancient Russia - Trip to Moscow Historical Museum
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2015, 11:35:22 am »
Really cool, thanks for taking the time to post them.