Hello again.

There was a couple of questions concerning this bow, so I'll try to answer.
The measurements of the original is as follows, lenght tip to tip 166 cm(if missing part had same lenght as the remaining) handle 12cm lenght,narrow outer lever 26cm lenght. Limb width at widest point 5,5 cm. Cross section of wide limbs is flat oval. That is all measurements we have from the museum people at the time being, hopefully we will get more info soon. I do not know exactly were on the bow the measurements were taken.
Without shooting through a chrono I cannot say how the bows shoot compared to others, but the new Danish owners, who are experienced archers are thrilled with both of them.
The European Hornbeam who is a hard heavy wood was surprisingly easy to work.
We do not know if the ancients had names for the different bow types. The sagas mention names on some swords, axes and spears, but no names of bows. Today we usually name the various bow types after where they was found, like Holmegaard, Haithabu, Nydam and others.
I did not heat treat the belly.
Should I get some more info I will be in touch.