Author Topic: Just dropping a line!  (Read 3896 times)

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Offline Meeshkke

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Just dropping a line!
« on: May 19, 2015, 01:04:32 am »
Hey there, just wanted to drop a quick introduction as I'm new to the board.
My name's Mica, and I'm your typical tomboy college chick.
I'm currently taking a little hiatus from class, and decided - now that I'm a quarter of a century old - that it's probably a good time to pick up a hobby... other than playing Skyrim. So why not take one of my favorite things to do in Skyrim (shoot arrows into things) and learn to do that in real life? Better yet, I've carved walking sticks before, so why not carve myself a real wooden longbow? I've decided to make that my summer project, and a few people on a traditional bowyer's group on Facebook directed me to this forum.
My first and only attempt at making a bow was when I tied a piece of twine to two ends of a stick from a pine branch when I was 8, so I have a lot to learn. But I have watched a few videos and I think I have a pretty good idea of how a simple self-bow is made from a piece of the right kind of wood. I'll be starting on my project soon, about as soon as I have a nice lapse in working hours where I can locate and purchase the right piece of wood, figure out how I'm going to tiller it, and get a good start on cutting the wood.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2015, 01:07:37 am by Meeshkke »
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Offline J05H

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Re: Just dropping a line!
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2015, 02:39:17 am »
Welcome Mica. I think you'll like it here. A lot of great people on here, but not too many ladies though. Btw, the bows in Skyrim are awful when it come to realism. Just sayin'.

There are some good videos on youtube, but this is by far the best place on the web to learn about bowmaking. If you ever have a question just post it in the bows forum an you'll get plenty of great info. Another great resource is the Traditional Bowyer's Bible series of books.

Good luck, and I hope you have lots of fun with this new hobby of yours.
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Offline Meeshkke

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Re: Just dropping a line!
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2015, 03:01:06 am »
I play a heavily modded Skyrim, with one mod in particular that replaces all of the ridiculous fantasy prop bows with real-world bow designs. I look forward to doing more shooting in the real world than I do on a PC game though. :)

And yeah, traditional archery seems to be sort of a male-dominated niche. I guess it will be as long as girls are discouraged from running around outside and throwing things at each other and other "boy" things. I'm also into wild foraging and in fact learned most of it from a former girlfriend who is a genius at finding morels. I'll probably end up teaching her how to make a bow when I'm done with mine.

Anyway, cool to find this little internet treasure. :) Nice to be here.
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Re: Just dropping a line!
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2015, 08:31:57 am »
Treasure is about right, Lotsa good folks on here and most would bend over backwards to help out. Where ya from and what wood do you have available in your area. Do you have any tools, a workshop?

Offline soy

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Re: Just dropping a line!
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2015, 08:55:18 am »
Is this bow making a sickness? or the cure...

Offline bubby

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Re: Just dropping a line!
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2015, 09:06:27 am »
Certainly noboby discouraging girls from building bows here just a matter of want ;) an elb or pyramid would be my best advice to you as far as starting out, where abouts are you from if it's a dry climate hickory is a great choice, hard maple boards are great as well
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Offline Buffalogobbler

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Re: Just dropping a line!
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2015, 09:19:19 am »
Welcome Mica,
 PA is a great place to learn and the bowyers here are always willing to help. whatever questions you have, just ask.When you start building your bow post pics of your progress and you will get many helpful comments on how to proceed.
I dont' know where you are located but there are many get togethers held around the country look in the events section, there might be one near you, they are a great place to learn from some of the best.
Here's wishing you success with your new project, be careful though, making selfbows can be addicting!

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Offline wizardgoat

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Re: Just dropping a line!
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2015, 09:44:24 am »
Welcome. I actually shoot with more ladies than I do guys. My wife has made 6 or 7 bows as well.
As stated, purchase the bowyer bible vol 1. The other 3 volumes are great, but not essential when your starting out. The book will answer a lot of questions, and things will make more sense I promise.
Also, post your location. Learning to make a bow with an experienced bowyer is the BEST way to learn.

Offline Parnell

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Re: Just dropping a line!
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2015, 10:13:10 am »
Welcome to PA, look for someone local to help you out ASAP!

Offline Del the cat

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Re: Just dropping a line!
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2015, 11:44:50 am »
Get started quick as possible, the first attempts will teach you plenty and help you 'get your eye in' to seeing how a bow bends.
Even a very simple stick bow can be effective.
It's easy to make a bow of sorts, it's hard to make a good bow.
Don't fall into the beginners trap of trying to make something too fancy. Keep it simple to start with and start looking for wood!
Good luck and good to have you on board :).
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Offline paoliguy

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Re: Just dropping a line!
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2015, 12:44:40 pm »
Welcome! I wouldn't tell my girl that archery is a "boy" sport, might have to remove an arrow from the ol' posterior! If you can find an archery gathering nearby it sure is a great resource. Check out the shoots ans events page.

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Just dropping a line!
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2015, 06:08:22 pm »
I give a lot of my bows to kids, and it is a universal truth that after six arrows the girls are whipping the boys like they are rented mules!  Give a boy a bow and he immediately starts showing you how he shoots it and what his "style" is like.  As if style has any effect other than to screw up your natural instincts.  The girl, however, watches and asks questions when she cannot intuit it or figure it out. 

And if I ain't careful, the boy will see he is getting his manhood smeared by a mere girl and he goes over to "teach her the right way". And that is when the girls stop shooting bows.  Frankly, I do not know why girls just plain don't swear off the boys at an early age and do without 'em.

As for your first bow, I will also recommend you turn out an English Long Bow (a.k.a. ELB).  They are long of limb and naturally graceful in use.  As a bow for shooting, there is an inherent stability to them that lends itself to quicker success in shooting accurately.  The longer limbs are also more forgiving when it comes to shaping out and tillering.  Tillering refers to the process of removing wood where the limb bends least until such time as both limbs bend equally and spread the strain across the length of the working limb properly.  Sounds confusing, but in practice is fairly simple.

Like others have said, try finding a local bowyer to give you pointers on the first one, if you can.  Most of us on this website will offer you our shop space, tools, materials, and a cold drink on a hot day while you are working. Be careful, however, you may make lifetime friends doing this.

For example, I live in Rapid City SD and am available on most Tuesday and Thursday nights.  Post your general area and someone here may be local and willing to let you hang out!
« Last Edit: May 19, 2015, 06:12:35 pm by JW_Halverson »
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline mullet

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Re: Just dropping a line!
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2015, 07:57:55 pm »
Welcome, Mica. You've gotten some good advice from some of the best on this site. It's a lot better then UTube when you can get those oddball questions answered. If your stick was bending when you were eight then you are already part way there. And, as you can see, advice is free, here.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline YosemiteBen

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Re: Just dropping a line!
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2015, 01:11:25 pm »
welcome to the addiction Mica. Learn lots and by all means have fun and always remember to try to take folks up on their invitations.

Offline Pappy

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Re: Just dropping a line!
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2015, 07:15:48 am »
Welcome, you will like it here, don't hesitate to ask questions, always folks ready and more than willing to help. Enjoy the ride and remember patients is a virtue so go slow and take your time. :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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