That'll be a good stash. I cut a similar stave a few years ago on a landscaping job but haven't done anything with it yet. Looking forward to seeing what you make, Dylan.
Enjoyed meeting you at the classic. I was impressed with your bow building.
thanks pat, part of what made the classic so fun for me was all of you more experienced guys there looking over my shoulder

really gave me some confidence with a wood i hadn't used before.
Yeah..that stuff will work....just don't abuse it like ya did that osage ya worked on in Tennessee and hold it at full draw/near full draw on the tillering board for ten+ seconds.
in fact don't do that to any wood. The lighter density ornamental yew won't like that,n will wanna take more set than ya like,n more than it should.
note taken

its things like this that i struggle learning on my own. i mean i know that i have read not to hold a bow at full draw for very long while tillering, but its one thing to read something like that in a how to and another thing to have someone tell it to you directly.