Hey folks,
I have experimented with reverse bracing green staves while curing and also heat treating while reverse braced to get some reflex.
My question is: Would It be detrimental to a finished, sealed bow to hang it on the wall reverse braced? (assume MC is stabilized and consistent)
I ask because I want to make a "wall-hanger" that is reverse braced so it looks like a bow when hanging. My thought is that he bow would take less deflex/ set and still remain shootable if stored reverse braced.
The bows I have heat tempered while reverse braced still hold the reflex shape, and a string goes on easy when reverse bracing(with a little tension).
Does anyone have any experience with this?
Can Reflex be considered "Set" if it is stored indefinately reverse braced?
I assume some damage to the wood fibers occurs because of shooting/reverse bracing cycles, but would it be worse than simply unstringing a bow?
Thanks in advance