Who will win?
- January Stringman's First Osage static
3 (2.5%)
- February Will H's R/D Osage w/copperheads
8 (6.6%)
- March Blackhawk's Vine Maple Flatbow and Badly Bent's bumpy & bent buckthorn bow
12 (9.9%)
- April Pappy's Yew finished
8 (6.6%)
- May Cameroo's 115lb Elm, “Big Boned”
3 (2.5%)
- June/July Ophelia Freeborne's First Bow! “Grey Fox”
9 (7.4%)
- August Wizardgoat's Yew Recurve w/rattler skins
5 (4.1%)
- September Simson's Smoked ash
14 (11.6%)
- October Will H's Crazy snakey static with copperheads
50 (41.3%)
- November Falcon Reflexed Diamondback Osage, 55# @ 29"
2 (1.7%)
- December wizardgoat Yew "Longbow" w/ salmon skins
7 (5.8%)
Total Members Voted: 96
Voting closed: March 16, 2015, 05:29:15 pm