Author Topic: need help with the tillering  (Read 10262 times)

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Offline huntersteve

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Re: need help with the tillering
« Reply #30 on: January 30, 2008, 07:37:38 pm »
It sounds like I would have been better to have ground down the thickness of the bamboo before glueing to my belly wood....the only reason that I was using Red Oak was because it's alot cheaper to use to learn what I'm doing....I've since found a place to get Hickory and Ash boards fairly cheap so maybe I should try that next....So my final question on this bow is....Should I try to work the limbs on down thinner and use as a lighter poundage bow or save the bamboo backing and trash the rest.....are the crystals too deep to do this?? thanks for all the help that everyone has gave....Steve

Offline DanaM

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Re: need help with the tillering
« Reply #31 on: January 30, 2008, 07:50:48 pm »
If it was me I would start over, save the boo and maybe get a hickory or osage  slat for the belly.
Just my opinion though, its your call.
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Offline Justin Snyder

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Re: need help with the tillering
« Reply #32 on: January 30, 2008, 08:18:42 pm »
I would star another.  The crysals go most of the way through the oak. You can save the boo if you want to or you can go shoot the sucker till it wont shoot any more.  ;D I don't think it will break, but the hinges will get real bad and soon it will be a 20# bow. I don't think I would back ash with boo either, maybe the hickory. What width is the boo. If it is to narrow, you might be better off to use it on Osage or some other really dense wood. Justin
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Offline huntersteve

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Re: need help with the tillering
« Reply #33 on: January 30, 2008, 11:23:32 pm »
the bamboo was originally 1 3/4" wide.....I have a second piece of boo to use....I think I'll move on to osage or hickory....I may just hang this one up as a dust collector....thank for all the help and opinions....Steve