Author Topic: What do i do with this ?  (Read 6193 times)

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Re: What do i do with this ?
« Reply #15 on: January 31, 2015, 02:39:43 am »
Epoxy , epoxy, epoxy forget superglue it's just not meant for this application. Superglue is brittle when cured and this area will be subject to a tiny bit of bending and a lot of shear.
Get some good epoxy and heat it gently it will flow just like thin superglue, also a little gentle flexing , letting gravity help will get plenty of glue in there no problem.
If glued well why would it NOT hold? Think about what forces are acting on it.

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Re: What do i do with this ?
« Reply #16 on: January 31, 2015, 09:23:27 am »
I would super glue and clamp as Badger said, you are pulling it tighter as you string and draw, it should be fine, seen a lot that happened to. :) It will almost always happen if they have a hump in the handle. :)The wrap sure won't hurt but I don't think it is necessary.  :)
X 2. 
Gautier, Mississippi