Author Topic: Bent osage core. Glued Help  (Read 1334 times)

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Offline Renacs

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Bent osage core. Glued Help
« on: January 04, 2015, 11:34:26 am »
  I've completed my first z-splice for a BBO.  Im very happy with the glue joint, but when i put the string line to it, well its pretty bad.  My question is , can i heat bend it?  The core is 1 3/8'x7/16"x 68".And it is glued with smooth on.  The smooth on has cured for over 24 hrs at room temp...  P.S. Looks like ill make a jig to square things up next time.

Offline cdpbrewer

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Re: Bent osage core. Glued Help
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2015, 05:57:57 pm »
Bummer.  I doubt the smooth-on will hold, and especially so since it wasn't heat cured.   You could probably salvage the core by using a heat gun on the glue line.   It'd likley be wise to recut the joint or otherwise get rid of all heat damaged glue.     

For a jig, snap a center line on a 2x4 and draw the core's profile centered on it.   To apply axial force on the glue line, nail a cleat tight against one end of the core and another a bit away on the other end and use a pair of wedges between that cleat and the core to apply force on the glue joint.  After that align the core to the lines on the 2x4 and clamp the bow-to-be down.  Tips:  Be sure to put some plastic wrap between the core and 2x4 before gluing ;).  Use goose neck lamps or such with the the bulb close to the glue joint to heat cure the smooth-on.