"Natural fiber strings would be a good topic on its own"
Alan, that's very right. I'll not see it happen that we allow synthetic strings and plastic nocks in our rules.
"I feel like the event really loses it's soul without natural strings", So it would be with plastic nocks too.
I can`t believe that it should be such a heavy task to get longfibre linen for to make great strings even biologically grown.I admit my wife is a weaver, so I've an easy access to the string material. But use your search engine and you'll find this super- linen, real best quality:
http://shop.flachs.de/produkt/leinengarn-nm-2651-kba-blauschwarz/#!prettyPhoto[product-gallery]/1/, they offer 19 different linen- yarns for bowyers!. I guess there is a similiar supplier in the US or Canada too. Go for their whole offer and you'll be done:
This is a network of growers of different natural fibres, they even offer the seeds.
The problem with linen- strings is that linen likes wet climate. I' ve posted in several forums to store your linen- fibres, yarns and strings in a wet salty atmosphere, that's all.
I use a very thin linen for my strings and count about 1strand/lbs, that makes a 40 strands- string for my flight- shorties( 40-48lbs). I can' t remember a break of one of these strings.
Steve, I thought about your proposals for the rules and classes.
As I understand it you're going for the regular flight- classes as before and we'll adding pure flight classes too?
So what will be the class for my "inuitish" styled short mollies in practice? 30degree recurved long skinny tips, 44"- 48" in length, 40- 49lbs/ 21"- 23".