Author Topic: Help Designing A Mulberry bow- Stave experts please HELP!  (Read 2248 times)

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Offline arachnid

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Help Designing A Mulberry bow- Stave experts please HELP!
« on: December 04, 2014, 09:22:06 am »
Hi Guys.

I cut a Mulberry log about a month and a half ago, split it and sealed the end.
The 2 staves are 53" long.

One of the staves had this branch sticking out, and after splitting I saw it`s going all the way into the heartwood:

The other stave has a similar thing, only smaller (most of it is in the other stave):

The two staves a straight, with tight heartwood rings:

From the far end to the "branch-out" (if that`s what it`s called) it`s 37" long:

I face 2 options:
A ) Go for 2 short, bendy-handle bows. In this case, My problem is working that branch sticking out.
B ) Cut the 2 staves to 37" each (without the branches) and splice them both. That means only one bow but I think it`ll be easier to work.

I will note that I`ve only made board bows until now, never a stave bow, but I`m up fir challenges.
I`d be grateful for any advice, idea and design suggestion.

Thanks in advance.

Offline George Tsoukalas

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Re: Help Designing A Mulberry bow- Stave experts please HELP!
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2014, 09:39:47 am »
I guess the choice is yours.
I don't like short bows so I'd go for splicing the 2 and eliminating the 2 branch entries.
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Offline Springbuck

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Re: Help Designing A Mulberry bow- Stave experts please HELP!
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2014, 12:55:22 am »
  Ignore them.  To me it looks like you have so much thickness that they would simply disappear as you thin the limb, esp on a short bow. 

BTW, do you intend to make two 52" bows?  That seems short as heck, regardless, even for a bendy handle.  If it was me, I would splice them anyway, and get an awesome 68" stave, but I haven't succeeded with many bendy -handles.

Offline arachnid

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Re: Help Designing A Mulberry bow- Stave experts please HELP!
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2014, 09:48:29 am »
Well I think I'll splice them. I'm not a be fan of short bows or bendy handles...