This place is far and away the best place to start and learn and share. Better than any book and better than any video. Here you get a collection of knowledge from hundreds of bowyers, not just one or two than can afford to publish a book. Stick around here and read, read, read. Open threads that are asking for help and see why they are asking and what the answers may be.
Enjoy the ride
Not for everyone. I find forums can be useful but mainly you just get quick answer that don't go into the ways and wherefores of matters. I personally need to understand the whole process before I could ask specific questions on here that would get useful answers. I leant almost entirely from those books. Do you think many people are going to post FULL answers to beginners questions?? That would take pages and pages of writing..... I'm sorry but bow making can't be condensed into a few couple of line replies. There are four full volumes of the TBB series for a reason. They also are not written by one or two people.
Pearlie - It's different strokes for different folks

I know for a fact if i'd had to learn solely off the internet instead of having the TBB's I would still be struggling.
Try learning how to make a hornbow off the internet.....then you really will struggle

My main point was to jump on in and make your own mistakes...just don't make them whilst still blind and unable to learn from them or else you'll go in circles at best