Author Topic: Anybody vape?  (Read 2754 times)

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Offline Shiloh

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Anybody vape?
« on: November 23, 2014, 11:01:57 pm »
Note: No, I'm not talking about vaping "alternative substances". I'd rather not talk abot committing felonies here.  8)

So, anyone else into vaping/e-cigs? I used it to quit smoking last year and it's become a great hobby for me ever since. Went from the little ego devices up to some bigger mods, now I've got three mechs, a DNA30, drippers out the wazoo, and enough juice to last till doomsday (or next week, probably) So if you're a vaper, shout out!
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Offline JoJoDapyro

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Re: Anybody vape?
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2014, 11:37:59 pm »
I sold them for a bit. I have a itase MVP with a Kanger Aero tank 2. Not wanting to spend more on juice I haven't moved on o a dripper. My Wife, dad, and several friends have quit smoking using these.
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Offline stickbender

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Re: Anybody vape?
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2014, 01:40:28 am »

     The flavors contain Propylene glycol.  As do a whole lot of foods.  It has been banned in Europe, but not here, where the FDA is a federal bureaucracy, whose members are politically appointed.  Uncle barry, put the ......"former"...... head lawyer from monsanto, as the head of the FDA.  The rest of the top echelon is made up of members of other big pharm, and chem ..... uh...... former members, like dow, searle, phizer, etc. .   It is not safe as the FDA says.  It is the primary ingredient in antifreeze, replacing a more dangerous form.  It gives the sweetness to flavors, and is in everything from cake mixes, ice cream, to even beer,  to keep the foamy head. :o :P  It isn't always listed.  I guess it comes down to what you want to get cancer, emphysema and other lung diseases, etc. from, tobacco, or antifreeze.  I know the e cigs, have helped a lot of people quit.  My Girlfriend's Sister, and Brother n law, are trying to quit smoking, using them.  Anyway, that is my two cents worth, of dire info.  Glad you were able to quit.  I quit cold turkey, back in my late teens, and then smoked a pipe, and cigars, in my twenties, and then stopped altogether, and can't stand to be around cigarette smoke now.  I hope you can stay rid of them.  You will find food tastes a whole lot better, and you will smell a lot better than like an old ash tray. ;)


Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: Anybody vape?
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2014, 09:51:36 am »
I know of one heavy smoker that was "vaping" to quit, haven't seen him I a couple of years so I don't know how it came out.

I quit when I was 16 (1963) because a pack went from 25 cents to 27, I thought "that is outrageous and I am not paying that"! Sounds silly now but it sure turned out to be a good move.

Offline Shiloh

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Re: Anybody vape?
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2014, 02:02:12 pm »
Thanks Stickbender, I haven't touched a cigarette in over a year so that phase is well and gone. :D I still remember, I had been vaping for about two months but forgot it at home one day. I was still pretty reliant on nicotine (not so much anymore) so I figured "eh, I'll just bum one smoke from a friend. No biggie." I managed two drags before I had to toss it. No idea how I thought that crap ever tasted good, it was like licking an ashtray. Blegh!

Oh, and on the subject of Propylene glycol: It's also the main component in asthma inhalers, and heavily used in fog machines as well since it was deemed far safer than any other compound to be inhaled. It also has antibacterial properties. From the wiki article: "Inhalation of propylene glycol vapors appears to present no significant hazard in ordinary applications.[26] However, limited human experience indicates that inhalation of propylene glycol mists could be irritating to some individuals.[27]"
« Last Edit: November 24, 2014, 02:06:13 pm by Shiloh »
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Offline bow101

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Re: Anybody vape?
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2014, 06:54:42 pm »
I smoked for almost 40 years.   What I did was cut back gradually to say 15 per day then 10 - 5 - 4- 3 -2 and it was 2-3 for quite a while finally I got some Nicorette gum and tried that. It did get rid of the cravings, did that for about 3 weeks then finally I quit altogether.  The first week is a little tough.  But when you have cut back to 1-2 cigarettes a day the withdrawal is diddly...... >:D
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Offline stickbender

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Re: Anybody vape?
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2014, 07:09:18 pm »
    Some people have reactions to it, on their skin.  I just don't know how much independent testing has been done on it.  Sad it is in beer!  Maybe that is why, the old original Coors tasted so good, no preservatives, or foaming agents, anti foaming agents, stabilizers,no formaldehyde, etc.  Too bad companies can't just make a product, without making the ingredients look like a Chemistry set.  Too bad the Tobacco giants couldn't leave the original tobacco alone, without altering it, to make it so addictive, and dangerous.  But the almighty dollar speaks loud and clearly.  Amazing the power the big corporates have.  But seems the Indians who gave us tobacco, made up for us giving them smallpox, Tuberculosis, and other things they were not able to fight off. ;)


Offline Tyke

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Re: Anybody vape?
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2014, 09:10:39 pm »
Vaping e juice has helped me to keep from smoking and depending on what state you live in vaping the other stuff could be legal or just a misdemeanor
why buy it when you can build it

Offline Tyke

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Re: Anybody vape?
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2014, 09:11:35 pm »
why buy it when you can build it