Yeah, I have been fairly lucky with them, but did have some issues with mail, when I lived in the Virgin islands. It would take an average of 8 days to get mail. I finally wrote the the Post Master General, and asked if they were using a row boat. He contacted the Post Master in the V. I. and he talked to me, and said why didn't you just talk to me, and I told him, I learned long ago, in the Military, to skip as many middle people as possible to get anything done. Well my mail started coming in 4-5 days from Fl. ...... for awhile, then it was back to the row boat. Recently, like last year, When I was in Montana, I sent a big envelope filled with real estate magazines to a Friend of mine in Winter Park, Fl. and all he got was part of one magazine, and the Envelope was shredded, and not even taped, or put in another envelope, or plastic bag. Just stuffed in his mail box. No wonder they are going under, it isn't just the internet, it just typical Government incompetency. But to give the Devil his just due, I have not had a lot of problems with them. I have had more problems with Fed EX., and UPS, than the USPS. I hope your boxes arrive soon. I know it can be frustrating.
I did some Christmas part time work in the Post Office, years ago, and I would see letters, lying under conveyor belts, and other machines. When I could as I was sweeping, I would rake them out, and put them in the correct box. But the permanent employees, ignored them. I've watched them toss boxes marked fragile, in bins with other boxes. You need to see the movie Ace Ventura, Pet Detective, in the part where he is dressed like a UPS guy.

Good luck
