Wow, that's a big one. I would say this to you, If you are serious about heating a lot of rock, Invest the money that you saved by buying this so cheap, into a computerized programmable controller. The problem with an infinite switch is this. It is mounted outside the kiln. It in no way is controlled by the temp of the kiln. There is no thermocouple that controls it and says switch on and off. It is a bimetallic coil strip,(In the switch) that opens and closes the contacts by heating up due to the current coursing thru it. It then reaches a predetermined setting H, M, or L and then when it gets hot enough it opens. When it cools off it closes and starts all over. Just like your stove top switch that controls the burner. In fact the switch on your stove is what you want for one. If it is cold outside where you live it will open and close more often than it should and cause the temp to rise faster and hotter than you would like it. An infinite switch means you will infinitely be babysitting your kiln. Trust me blowing up one load of stone will pay for your controller. You most likely will not need to use all the elements in that kiln either. Mine has four and I turn the bottom and the top one on.