Author Topic: Mulberry Short... But How Short?  (Read 3623 times)

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Offline Josh B

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Re: Mulberry Short... But How Short?
« Reply #15 on: November 05, 2014, 12:21:18 am »
I don't know what kind of insects you have over in your part of the world, so i don't know how much risk it would be to wait.  Over here a good dousing with insecticide followed by a liberal application of diesel fuel to the bark will keep the bugs out of it for awhile.  If it's only for a few days, the insecticide alone should be sufficient.  Josh

Offline arachnid

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Re: Mulberry Short... But How Short?
« Reply #16 on: November 05, 2014, 12:24:06 am »
And while we're at it, I have a question about selecting staves to cut.
Here is Israel it forbbiden to cut trees weely neely. But I did find someone that gave me permission to cut branchs and logs from his orcard. He's got 6 pecan trees and several mulberry's. The pecan's got some long straight thick branchs but they have lots of little branchs coming out of them. Same with the mulberry (but with less little brances).
Is it possible to use these big branchs as staves? Will the little branchs be removed with the bark or leave a nasty mark? Will it work with the mulberry (where I remove the sapwood to)?

Offline Josh B

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Re: Mulberry Short... But How Short?
« Reply #17 on: November 05, 2014, 12:36:59 am »
Pecan would be excellent bow wood in your arid climate!  Never actually been there myself, but I've heard that it's dry there.  Those little branches are what is known as character knots.  You will find hundreds of bows on this site that are riddled with knots.  Small knots are seldom a big problem if allowed for in the layout.  I would say that is a lucky stroke for you.  Same goes with mulberry in regards to the knots.  Josh

Offline arachnid

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Re: Mulberry Short... But How Short?
« Reply #18 on: November 05, 2014, 12:47:16 am »
Well first of all, you'r (and all other PA members) invited for a visit! Israel is a graet place to live (despite what the news says). ;)

I might head back to that orchard and have another look. I don't wantvto make board bow for the rest of my life and I think I'm ready  for staves... :D