Persimmon trees don't have much of a crown, very small top in comparison to the heigth and size of trunks. I think I've very seldom seen one over 25-30 ft. Yes deer love them, they are also very edible, once ripe and make good nut bread! Nobody mentioned it so here's one, see if you've heard this. It is an old tale---I heard it many times growing up. You can tell the type of winter you will have by cutting open the seed. Inside will be the shape of a spoon, fork, or knife. You'll have to research it but if memory serves me correct

(too many years ago) the spoon means lots of snow, the knife bitter cold, windy, and the fork thunderstorms/lightening. But, of couse, as with all tales of the hills and hollors---we've cut open multiple seeds only to find different signs in the same year.