Making a bow with top limb 1" longer than bottom. Bow specs as follows:
Objective: 30-33# @ 26"
Length ttt: 60"
Length ntn: 59"
Riser is 8" long: Handle=4 & Fades=2
Width @ fades: 1 5/8"
Width @ tips: 1/2"
For both limbs, width is 1 5/8" until 12" from tip, then tapering to 1/2"
Glue-on recurve tips
Here's tiller pic. Brace height is 4 3/4", draw is 19", & DW=28#

Though the tips are at the same level, appears to me that left (shorter) limb is bending significantly more than right. If limbs were of equal length I'd definitely be making that right limb bend more. But, due to unequal limb lengths, I'm uncertain what/where I need to remove wood.
Help would be appreciated!