Author Topic: Oh, and I made a schnitzelbank  (Read 12114 times)

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Offline medicinewheel

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Re: Oh, and I made a schnitzelbank
« Reply #15 on: September 05, 2014, 04:07:49 am »
Frank, look up the song.  I have always heard Schnitzelbank--in this country and in Germany.

But I do love a good Schnitzel.  Best I ever had was in Salzburg, although I prefer Jägerschnitzel.  What part of Germany do you live in?  I get over there about once a year--usually in Berlin and Dresden area.

Well Jeff, what can I say, call it whatever you like, but please don't teach it your students that way. I would not recommend a parody song as a reference if I was a language teacher.  ;)
Maybe this can convince you:     

(add the www. and copy/paste - no direct link allowed here I guess)

or give it a go and try to find "Schnitzelbank" in an online dictionary.
I actually do know my mother's tongue since 53 years now, on top of that I do know many German bowyers and a few carpenters using this device up and down the country, and to date have NOT heard anyone calling it a Schnitzelbank....

I live in the Eifel, an hour south of Cologne.
Frank from Germany...

Offline mullet

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Re: Oh, and I made a schnitzelbank
« Reply #16 on: September 05, 2014, 10:38:15 am »
Frank, look up the song.  I have always heard Schnitzelbank--in this country and in Germany.

But I do love a good Schnitzel.  Best I ever had was in Salzburg, although I prefer Jägerschnitzel.  What part of Germany do you live in?  I get over there about once a year--usually in Berlin and Dresden area.

Well Jeff, what can I say, call it whatever you like, but please don't teach it your students that way. I would not recommend a parody song as a reference if I was a language teacher.  ;)
Maybe this can convince you:     

(add the www. and copy/paste - no direct link allowed here I guess)

or give it a go and try to find "Schnitzelbank" in an online dictionary.
I actually do know my mother's tongue since 53 years now, on top of that I do know many German bowyers and a few carpenters using this device up and down the country, and to date have NOT heard anyone calling it a Schnitzelbank....

I live in the Eifel, an hour south of Cologne.

Kinda like argueing with the Pope on Catholicism. ::)
Lakeland, Florida
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Offline jeffp51

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Re: Oh, and I made a schnitzelbank
« Reply #17 on: September 05, 2014, 11:31:56 am »
Haha.  Never argue with a German on anything.  Let's just call it a Heinzelbank, that's what it is in the Erzgebirge where I lived for a while.  And I never teach these words to any students--as a matter of fact, I have had that stupid song stuck in my head all night, and I really want it out. . .

Offline medicinewheel

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Re: Oh, and I made a schnitzelbank
« Reply #18 on: September 05, 2014, 01:05:10 pm »
Tja, Jungs, das Gefühl hab ich allerdings auch, aber ist ja nun wirklich auch nix Neues: der Amerikaner als solcher ist ja irgendwie mit dem Geburtsrecht der automatischen Wahrheit ausgestattet. Das überträgt sich dann auf alles: macht er sich schon mal die Mühe, sich mit einer Fremdsprache zu befassen, dann kann er die auch irgendwie sofort besser als ein Muttersprachler. Und wenn er dann merkt, daß er doch Unrecht hat, dann ruft er seine Kumpels auf den Plan, das Gegenüber wird diffamiert, lächerlich gemacht, der tatsächliche Punkt wird fallengelassen, einfach nicht mehr angesprochen und tatatataaah! ...schon hat er wieder Recht. Ganz einfach.
Eddie, von Dir hab ich eigentlich ein bißchen mehr erwartet.
Dankeschön, wiedersehn.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2014, 01:08:43 pm by medicinewheel »
Frank from Germany...

Offline jeffp51

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Re: Oh, and I made a schnitzelbank
« Reply #19 on: September 05, 2014, 05:19:38 pm »
Keine Sorgen.  Das soll alles nur ein Spass, oder?  Niemand hat hier Recht oder Unrecht.  Und auf keinen Fall will ich was besserwissen, besonders nicht, wenn es um die Sprache geht.  Ich lerne erst 30 Jahrelang Deutsch, und das ist schon lange nicht genug Zeit, um alles richtig zu machen.  Bitte machen Sie keine Vorurteile, ehe Sie mich besser kennenlernen.  So schlimm sind wir Amis ja nicht, besonders diejenigen von uns, die sich Mühe geben, uns mit Ihrer Kultur zu befassen.

Jedenfalls, wollte ich Sie keineswegs beleidigen, noch lächerlich machen.  Wenn das passiert ist, dann will ich mich tiefst entschuldigen.  Ich will viel lieber Freunde sein, und Spass an einen neuen Hobby haben.  Hoffentlich mit Ihnen und nicht gegen.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2014, 05:32:11 pm by jeffp51 »

Offline JoJoDapyro

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Re: Oh, and I made a schnitzelbank
« Reply #20 on: September 05, 2014, 08:30:05 pm »
Jungs, das ist es wirklich wert, um über nichts kämpfen? Wir alle teilen die Leidenschaft , und am Ende ist es transends Sprache. Können wir nicht alle halten, was wir lieben, und lassen Sie die Klein Argumente an den Weg ?
If you always do what you always did you'll always get what you always got.
27 inch draw, right handed. Bow building and Knapping.

Offline stickbender

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Re: Oh, and I made a schnitzelbank
« Reply #21 on: September 05, 2014, 09:29:10 pm »

     Zuma, he is making "Bows" not "Bras" ;) ::) :P  I'm with Medicine Wheel! Straighten them out Frank. ;)


Offline jeffp51

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Re: Oh, and I made a schnitzelbank
« Reply #22 on: September 06, 2014, 12:31:59 am »
As I tried to explain to Frank in German, I am sorry this has sort of rolled out of control.  I apologize if I have offended anyone or questioned anyone's knowledge of their mother tongue.  All I know is I am having fun building bows, that I have been impressed with the class of the people on this site, and I would like to be a small part of it.

And Schnitzel tastes great.  Everyone should try some.

Offline Colindemo

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Re: Oh, and I made a schnitzelbank
« Reply #23 on: September 06, 2014, 01:18:39 am »
Hey Jeffp51, could you link where you found the plans for this "schaafpaard" I can't seem to find it anywhere
Made and bred in Holland, please return if found

Offline jeffp51

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Re: Oh, and I made a schnitzelbank
« Reply #24 on: September 06, 2014, 01:36:04 am »
Happy to.  It is from a few years back on this site:,23265.0.html

There are lots of plans out there, and although I mixed a few ideas from others, it is mostly this one.  Mine is held together with 2.5 inch grabber screws and took about 5 hours to make.

Offline Colindemo

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Re: Oh, and I made a schnitzelbank
« Reply #25 on: September 06, 2014, 11:42:15 am »
Made and bred in Holland, please return if found

Offline stickbender

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Re: Oh, and I made a schnitzelbank
« Reply #26 on: September 07, 2014, 02:11:49 pm »

     No feelings hurt here, actually enjoyed the multiple dialects.  Never ceases to amaze me the talent, and knowledge of so many varied subjects, on this sight.  Please carry on.  But how do you get that blasted song out of your head?! :P

Offline jeffp51

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Re: Oh, and I made a schnitzelbank
« Reply #27 on: September 08, 2014, 12:19:00 am »

       But how do you get that blasted song out of your head?! :P

I wish I knew. . .I wish I knew

Offline medicinewheel

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Re: Oh, and I made a schnitzelbank
« Reply #28 on: September 08, 2014, 05:14:23 pm »
Hello Jeff.
Was gone since Friday, that is for the late reply. 
Wrestled my ego a bit and did some swallowing today, so: thanks for your apology, and I accept it.
Sorry guys for any inconvenience!
Frank from Germany...

Offline mullet

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Re: Oh, and I made a schnitzelbank
« Reply #29 on: September 08, 2014, 07:22:52 pm »
I was amused. :)
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?