Author Topic: Check this out yall  (Read 19641 times)

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Offline WillS

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Re: Check this out yall
« Reply #45 on: October 09, 2015, 05:54:41 am »
Silk was imported to Europe very early on, but by the 11th century it was already being produced in Italy, France was producing it by the 15th century and Spain was producing it by the end of the 16th century.

Even by the mid 1300s there was silk velvet being woven in Italy.  It takes dye very easily and bright colours were easy to create. 

I wish I knew where the document was available regarding Henry's silk order but I can never find it when I need it.  It's out there somewhere!

Offline docrocket99

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Re: Check this out yall
« Reply #46 on: October 31, 2015, 11:37:08 am »
hello all, my first experience in old weapons was a sword found in the desert of N. Africa, a good friend who was the man got my interest in primitive archery begun. we were re-enactors, blacksmiths, anything medieval or renaissance was our passion. that sword was dated to the crusade period, apparently the local tribes dig them up frequently then use them as tools (sadly) but it was very well built to standards i never imagined possible, so that point on this arrow seems entirely feasibly authentic. of course the desert is famous for preservation. as to the rust ? that is possibly ongoing from current exposure, archaeologists try to keep artifacts sealed for that reason.