RBLusthaus, thanks for the tip, I'll give it a go soon, I've been finding straightening pretty tricky, the shafts have come out of the doweler with odd little wiggles here and there where the shafts changed angle as they were fed in I guess.
cdpbrewer, I have hand planed some pine shafts, they weren't very round... By the sounds of it these DF shafts will end up as a set of stumpers then! I've got some poly varnish that I will sandwich the cresting between then, it won't be particularly ornate but I just want the arrows to be visible in low light.
Here are some pictures of what I've been up to:
All the shafts; they are spining at about 70 pounds straight off the doweler:

The finish on the arrows; I adjusted the blade on the veritas so that it was quite low to speed up the process and reducing the heating up of the veritas, and make them easier to get out of the doweler, I wasn't too concerned about the finish because the shafts will have to be sanded down quite a lot to get to my desired spine. As you can see the surface is pretty fuzzy on most of them, and the paler shafts, which I assume are sapwood are rougher compared to the more pinkish heartwood.

I picked out 6 nice densely grained pink shafts, and after getting the worst of the wiggles out over the hob sanded the ends down to fit into a 5/16 taper tool, and taper the ends for a plastic nock and a 100 grain point.

Next job is make a couple more shafts, try and get them a bit straighter then sand them until they are deflecting by about 0.520 inches on my spining jig, which (I think) corresponds to a draw weight of about 30lbs at 32 inches.